PhD Positions on Tackling Subversive Crime in the Port of Rotterdam

Erasmus School of Law (ESL) is seeking candidates who will like to work in an interdisciplinary research team of academics from criminology, anthropology, law, history, mathematics, network science, and computer science, to apply for one of the 4 PhD positions in Tackling Subversive Crime in the Port of Rotterdam (FORT-PORT).

Previous research provided insight into the modes of the cocaine trade in the port of Rotterdam, the social organization of human smuggling in the Netherlands, the social embedding of organized crime in the Netherlands, and the structural anchoring of the cocaine trade in the port. They build on these insights by combining different methods and theoretical perspectives to increase our understanding of cocaine trafficking and human smuggling through the port of Rotterdam. More specifically, They want to expose the criminal operations of cocaine trafficking and human smuggling in the port of Rotterdam by focusing on:

  1. The modi operandi of drug trafficking and human smuggling based on a crime script analysis that investigates why and how perpetrators use logistical, technological, legal and financial infrastructures in and around the port of Rotterdam;
  2. The social organization of the criminal networks involved in cocaine trafficking and human smuggling, exploring the forms of cooperation between and within the networks, the degree of specialization and professionalization within the networks, and the use of violence between or within the networks;
  3. The social embedding of cocaine trafficking and human trafficking, describing the ways in which cocaine trafficking and human trafficking are relationally and structurally embedded in and around the port of Rotterdam.


  • The salary depends on knowledge and experience and amounts to between € 2,541 and € 3,247 gross per month
  • 8% holiday pay, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% and a very generous leave scheme.
  • partially paid parental leave,
  • fully paid additional birth leave for partners,
  • a discount on the group health insurance and
  • a personal career budget.
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Job Requirements

The PhD Positions on Tackling Subversive Crime in the Port of Rotterdam seek candidates who:

  • Demonstrable scientific research skills;
  • have experience with empirical research methods, specifically mixed methods research, ethnographic research and qualitative research methods;
  • have the ability or motivation to work in an interdisciplinary research team;
  • are interested in bridging the gap between science and society;
  • have good communication and organizational skills;
  • have excellent oral and written skills in English and Dutch.

Application Process

All application must be written in English and contain the following documents:

  • A completed application form 
  • A motivation letter of 2 pages;
  • An essay (maximum 2000 words on 5 pages, excluding references)
  • A curriculum vitae, including a list of publications;
  • Two references, including contact details, that can be consulted
  • Copy of master’s degree and transcripts.

To apply for the PhD Positions on Tackling Subversive Crime in the Port of Rotterdamclick here.

Deadline: September 03, 2023.

For more information on PhD Positions on Tackling Subversive Crime in the Port of Rotterdam, visit the official site.

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