PhD position: “Noise and Vibration in Wet Soil” University of Twente (Full-Time)

The Faculty of Engineering Technology is seeking an enthusiastic Ph.D. student to join the University of Twente (Netherlands) and work on the micromechanics of soils subjected to extreme drying/wetting cycles, and their effect on noise and vibration propagation.

The project will focus on sandy soils and the multi-disciplinary interplay between solid skeleton, hydraulic phase, and noise/vibrations. The reference is to waves induced by human activities, such as construction works, traffic, or trains. It is still unclear how the presence, and extreme fluctuations, of underground water, interacts with wave transmission, and whether it can lead to attenuation or amplification phenomena.

These projects aim to use a micromechanical approach to gain a deeper fundamental understanding of ground vibrations in partially saturated soils and design novel reduction solutions that can be applied in large-scale engineering systems and over much longer time-scales.


As a Ph.D. student, candidates will design an epidemiological study, collect data, and conduct statistical analyses. They will publish the findings as papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. These papers will form the basis of their Ph.D. thesis.

  • A gross monthly salary of € 2.395 in the first year, increasing each year up to € 3.061 in the fourth year.
  • An offer for a personal development program within the Twente Graduate School.
  • A holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, and a year-end bonus of 8.3%.
  • A minimum of 29 holidays per year in case of full-time employment.
  • Full status as a UT-employee, including pension and health care benefits.

Job Requirements

To apply for this position, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Have obtained an MSc degree in a relevant field such as civil or mechanical engineering, computer science, applied- or geophysics, or related areas,
  • Are interested to learn and contribute to new technologies for geomechanical application,
  • Love working in a multidisciplinary team in which fundamental and applied research cross-fertilize,
  • Furthermore, an appropriate qualification in the English Language together with excellent communication and organizational skills are required.
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Application Process

To apply for this position, applicants must include the following documents in their application

  • Curriculum Vitae,
  • motivation letter,
  • bachelor and master transcripts,
  • contact details of at least two references who worked closely with them, and
  • theses or reports (if available).

To apply, click here

Application Deadline: January 19, 2021.

For more information visit the official site.

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