PhD Position in Computational/Cognitive Neuroscience

Applications are currently ongoing for PhD Candidates: In computational/Cognitive Neuroscience at the Predictive Brain Lab of the Donders Institute.

Recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning have put artificial neural networks firmly on the map as a promising approach to both modelling and understanding biological brains. This PhD project aims to harness the recent progress in AI to build computationally explicit models (Artificial Neural Networks, ANNs) that embody the principles of predictive coding. The ultimate goal is to better understand the neural mechanisms underlying our remarkable perceptual abilities by comparing artificial and biological networks, in terms of neural and behavioural representations during naturalistic perceptual conditions. 

As a PhD candidate, he/she will use a computational approach to model and predict neural responses within the human visual system as well as behavioural performance and test the neural and behavioural implications of different predictive neural architectures. 

Duration: 4 years


  • The gross starting salary amounts to €2,443 per month based on a 38-hour working week and will increase to €3,122 from the fourth year onwards
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
  • Dual Career and Family Care Services. 

Job Requirements

The eligible candidate for this position must meet the following criteria

  • have an MSc in cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence, or a related field.
  • have an affinity with programming and possess demonstrable experience with techniques for quantitative data analysis (e.g. Matlab or Python).
  • are highly motivated to conduct interdisciplinary empirical research at the intersection of AI/Machine Learning and Cognitive Neuroscience.
  • have good collaborative and communication skills.
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Application Process

To apply for this position, fill in the application form and attach the following documents:

  • CV.
  • A letter of motivation.
  • A transcript of records.

To apply for the PhD Position in Computational/Cognitive Neuroscience, click here

Application Deadline: June 30, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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