Application is currently ongoing at RadboudUMC for Ph.D. candidates to apply for a research position on: ‘Early Health Technology Assessment for new AI tools in healthcare’ in the institute in the Netherlands.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is probably one of the fastest-growing fields in healthcare. AI-based technologies are developed at a rapid pace. Generally, AI is seen as a promising tool to increase the quality of healthcare and to reduce costs.
Early health technology assessment (HTA), which includes all methods used to inform industry and other stakeholders about the potential value of medical products in development, could be an important factor in realizing this. Early modeling of the potential cost-effectiveness of a new AI tool can show whether such a tool could potentially result in health gain and/or cost savings. These models can also provide information on how the technology should be positioned in clinical practice or further developed to maximize its potential value. Furthermore, it can inform important and efficient next steps in research to prove the added value.
Duration: 3 years
The candidate will perform Early HTAs for AI tools in healthcare. The main focus will be on a new AI tool that aims to provide an individual dementia risk score for patients with signs of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) called AI-mind.
An important part of the project is to develop a model that can be used to assess the potential value of AI-mind and to use the model outcomes to guide further development and positioning of the tool in clinical practice. Also, they will assess the possible impact of the tool on patients’ health outcomes and their cost-effectiveness.
A minimum of €2495 and a maximum of €3196 gross pay per month at full employment.
Job Requirements
To be eligible for this position, candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Hold an MSc degree in a relevant field, such as Biomedical Sciences, Health Economics, Health Technology Assessment, or Medicine.
- Have the ambition and academic skills to write and present scientific papers as well as to perform data analysis.
- However, experience in (early) decision analytical modeling and some knowledge of AI is a plus.
Application Process
To apply for this position, applicants are to submit the following documents:
- a motivation letter,
- a curriculum vitae,
- list of grades and links to publications, and
- their Master’s thesis or other works they have written in English.
To apply, click here
Application Deadline: January 8, 2021
For more information visit the official site.