PhD position at Aalborg University in Denmark 2020

The Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University in Denmark calls for application to its PhD position.

The Department of Chemistry and Bioscience consists of five sections of which three are situated in Aalborg with research and teaching in Biotechnology, Applied Chemistry and Biology & Environmental Science, one in Copenhagen on Sustainable Biotechnology and one in Esbjerg on Chemical Engineering. This position is located within the Section of Biotechnology with working place in Aalborg.

Duration: 3 years
Salary: For information about stipends and salary as well as practical issues concerning the application procedure contact Ms Ruth Klitte, The Faculty of Engineering and Science, email:
Work Responsibility

The successful candidate will work on non-denitrifying N2O-reducing microorganisms in technical eco-systems. ( MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGy).

This project will investigate the ecophysiology of these microorganisms and find the optimal conditions for the removal of exogenous nitrous oxide. The ecophysiology will be studied directly in enriched bioreactors by the combined use of metagenomics and stable isotope probed proteomics (Protein-SIP).

By studying the activity of the non-denitrifying N2O-reducing microorganisms during different perturbations, it is the aim of the university to identify the optimal growth conditions. These optimal growth conditions will be used to provide fundamental knowledge for microbial management in modern wastewater treatment.

The candidates will be applying metagenomics and mass spectrometry to study the biological composition of microbial communities.

Job Requirement
  • Documented skills in scientific dissemination of results will be an asset.
  • The candidate is expected to have practical experience with various OMICS technologies (primarily genomics and proteomics) and the bioinformatic interpretation hereof.
  • Expertise on the characterization of complex microbial communities will be an asset.
  • The progress of the PhD student shall be assessed regularly. It is a requirement for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.
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  • Candidate must have completed an MSc or an international degree considered equivalent within the subject of engineering, chemistry, and other related disciplines).
  • Applications are accepted from qualified candidates regardless of their personal background or belief
  • The application is to be submitted online using the link below

To apply click here

Deadline: September 8, 2020

For more information, visit the official site

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