PhD in Effective and Scalable Tools Against Side-Channel Attacks

The theory group at VU Amsterdam welcomes applications for a fully-funded, 4-year PhD research position that will focus on developing effective and scalable tools against side-channel attacks.

In hardware, an attacker can measure certain physical quantities, such as the time elapsed or the power consumed during a computation, to recover a surprising amount of secret information. Such attacks are easy to implement, difficult to detect, and powerful against strong encryption mechanisms. As part of the PhD research, we will apply techniques from the analysis of cryptographic protocols and adapt them to the setting of hardware to design a novel verification framework for processors.

As a university, VU Amsterdam strives for equal opportunities for all, recognising that diversity takes many forms. They believe that diversity in all its complexity, is invaluable for the quality of their teaching, research and service. They are always looking for talent with diverse backgrounds and experiences. This also means that they are committed to creating an inclusive community so that they can use diversity as an asset.


More specifically, student tasks will include:

  • research towards writing a PhD thesis at the department of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam
  • collaborate with PhD students, postdocs and staff members within the department
  • light supervision tasks (roughly 15% of your time), for instance supervising Master and/or Bachelor thesis projects

Duration: 04 years

Starting Date: on or before September 1, 2024.


They offer:

  • a salary of € 2.770,00 (PhD) and maximum € 3.539,00 (PhD) gross per month in the fourth year, for a full-time employment
  • an employment contract of initially 18 months. If there is sufficient perspective, this will be extended to a total of 4 years.
  • a full-time 38-hour working week comes with a holiday leave entitlement of 232 hours per year.
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  • contribution to commuting expenses
  • optional model for designing a personalized benefits package
  • solid pension scheme (ABP)
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Job Requirements

The position, PhD in effective and scalable tools against side-channel attacks seek applicants with:

  • A degree in MSc, specializing in Computer Science (or equivalent thereof)
  • An experience with concepts from programming languages, formal methods, 
    functional programming
  • Fluency in English (the language of instruction at the VU)

The school realise that each individual brings a unique set of skills, expertise and mindset. Therefore, they are happy to invite anyone who recognises themselves in the profile to apply, even if he/she do not meet all the requirements.

Application Process

Applications should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae and
  • Contact information for 1-3 references.

To apply for the PhD in Effective and Scalable Tools Against Side-Channel Attacksclick here.

Deadline: May 31, 2024.

For more information on PhD in Effective and Scalable Tools Against Side-Channel Attacks, visit the official site.

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