Ph.D. Position: Identification of Constitutive Laws with Algorithms

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) calls for applications to the Ph.D. Position on the Identification of constitutive laws with algorithms.

This open Ph.D. position aims to construct a robust constitutive modeling framework from a set of available state-of-the-art phenomenological models that can adapt to a wide range of material characteristics of different physics, while emulating various levels of nonlinearity and hysteresis, such that the properties of complex systems can be identified in a noninvasive way. 

Duration: 4 years


  • Literature study of system identification and constitutive modeling with focus on hysteresis.
  • Establish an environment where the constitutive models are interpretable and allow for an efficient search space exploration.
  • Employ evolutionary algorithms to recombine the models targeting a specific application.
  • Exploration of the identification steps for the developed methods and design of experiments for validation purposes.
  • Dissemination of the results of research in international and peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
  • Writing a successful dissertation based on the developed research and defending it.
  • Assume educational tasks like the supervision of Master students and internships.
  • Successful integration in the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence for Systems Institute.


  • A gross monthly salary and benefits in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • Additionally, an annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary.
  • A broad package of fringe benefits, including an excellent technical infrastructure, moving expenses, and savings schemes.
  • A broad package of fringe benefits, (such as a pension scheme, pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave, excellent technical infrastructure, moving expenses, and savings schemes).
  • Family-friendly initiatives are in place, such as an international spouse program, and excellent on-campus children day care and sports facilities.
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Job Requirements

Applicants for this Algorithms position must meet the following requirements:

  • have experience with or a strong background in physics, mathematics, and statistics. Preferably you finished a master’s in (Applied) Physics, (Applied) Mathematics, Statistics, Systems and Control, Electromechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
  • talented and enthusiastic young researcher.
  • have good programming skills and experience (Python is an asset).
  • creative and ambitious, hard-working, and persistent.
  • have good communicative skills, and the attitude to partake successfully in the work of a research team.
  • have good command of the English language

Application Process

Applications for this position on Algorithms must be submitted in English and should include

  • a complete Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications, if any);
  • a cover letter (stating personal goal and research interests connecting to one or more of the topics defined above), max 1 page;
  • transcripts of BSc and MSc degrees;
  • at least one recommendation letter.

To apply for this Ph.D. Position on Identification of Constitutive Laws with Algorithms, click here

Application Deadline: September 1, 2021

For more information, visit the official site.

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