Peer-Review: Upbuilding or Destructive?

I saw the picture above and couldn’t help but laugh!

Though true to some extent, peer review is not actually such a bad thing. I found three keys to successful peer review:

1. Let the paper be reviewed by ‘peers’… those in your circle. In this case, those in your area of interest or specialization and not people who have no idea about the concepts or theories discussed in your paper.

2. You do not have to accept every single criticism made by the peer reviewer. Truth is while most of the criticisms are valid, you as the researcher should know the perspective from which your research is based. So you can easily discern what can be accepted and discarded.

3. The reviewer is only keen on making the paper better. So have a positive mindset and be open to criticisms. The well-suited man in the picture above could look more professional if he had a lapel pin on, a pocket square and even a portfolio or briefcase (I am sure Fashion Police will agree ?). Similarly, valid criticisms will make the researcher work harder thereby making the paper better.

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