NRF SAINTS Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships 2022

SAINTS is inviting academically outstanding students to apply for full–cost Master’s and Doctoral scholarships (in fields of Science and Engineering) to do their research full-time in one of the fields listed below.

  • basic nuclear physics (study of nuclear reactions, shapes and more),
  • applied nuclear physics (study of radiation effects on matter, environmental radiation, accelerator mass spectrometry and more),
  • materials science (materials characterization),
  • nanoscience (new materials development),
  • radiobiology (studying effects of radiation on the body),
  • radiochemistry (development of novel radioisotopes for use in nuclear medicine and more), and
  • advanced control systems for accelerator components and detector instrumentation (Engineering, Computer science).

The Southern African Institute for Nuclear Technology and Sciences (SAINTS) is a division of iThemba LABS focusing on the provision of education, training, and professional development for students and staff linked in the first instance to
iThemba LABS.


Aside from the scholarship, the SAINTS Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships 2022 sponsors successful students to attend at least one international conference and/or participate in an international research visit during their studies.


All applicants for the 2022 SAINTS Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships must meet the following requirements:

  • A degree in Engineering, Computer science,
  • Be a South African citizen,
  • Register at a South African University for full-time studies from 2022, and
  • Be supervised/co-supervised by a staff member at iThemba LABS for studies commencing in 2022.

Application Process

To apply for the SAINTS Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships 2022, applicants are to E-mail the following documents in one PDF file

  • up-to-date CV;
  • copy of full academic record;
  • copies of all degree/diploma certificates to date;
  • A letter indicating applicants selected research project, their motivation for selecting this project, their choice of institution to register for their studies, and their career goals;
  • copy of ID document;
  • two letters of support (one from theirr current or most recent lecturer/supervisor) and the following as separate PDF file attachments:
  • copies of any research publications/reports they have authored or co-authored, and
  • copies of their dissertation (MSc) or mini-dissertation (BSc (Hons) / BSc (Eng)).
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All applications for the NRF SAINTS Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships 2022 should be sent to

Deadline: December 31, 2021.

For more information on SAINTS Prestige Masters and Doctoral Scholarships 2022, visit the official site.

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