Mozilla Africa Innovation Mradi Research Grants 2023

A call for proposals is currently ongoing for the Mozilla Foundation Africa Innovation Mradi Research Grants 2023.

Through the Africa Innovation Mradi Research Grants, we aim to support research led by communities committed to social justice that will identify and analyze the intersections between AI and their respective priorities in Southern and Eastern Africa. This could be an in depth look at AI in relation to human rights, economic justice, racial justice, community justice, gender justice, disability justice, LGBTQIA+ rights, environmental justice, or another issue of your choosing. Tell us which intersection you will study and why.

The Africa Innovation Mradi Research Grants aim to support research led by social justice communities looking at the intersections between AI and social justice in Southern and Eastern Africa. This could be an in-depth look at AI about human rights, economic justice, racial justice, community justice, gender justice, disability justice, LGBTQIA+ rights, or environmental justice.

Grants: $5,000-$10,000 USD


  • grant opportunity is primarily interested in collaborating with individuals, networks, and self-organized groups and organizations that are based in or legally operate on the African continent.
  • should have clarity on, and a direct connection to, the community they propose to study.
  • should be confident writers or researchers with previous experience in sharing research.

Selection Criteria

The criteria for reviewing applications will consider the following:

  • Geographic location and work focus of applicants
  • Applicant experience or collaboration with a partner with experience of producing AI and digital technology research in Africa
  • Applicant familiarity with national or regional contexts, clear articulation of social justice issues, and selected research priority
  • Clearly specified social group or community of focus and a plan of engagement with them around the selected issue
  • Clearly defined methodology and impact, research plan, and budget
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Application Process

To apply for Mozilla Africa Innovation Mradi Research Grants 2023, click here

Deadline: July 31, 2023.

For more information on Mozilla Africa Innovation Mradi Research Grants 2023, visit the official site.

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