International Postdoctoral fellows in Stochastics and Algorithmics (COFUND)

The research project NETWORKS, a collaboration of world-leading researchers from four institutions in The Netherlands is looking for international postdoctoral fellows in mathematics, computer science, and quantum computing (Stochastics and Algorithmics).

Research in NETWORKS focuses on stochastics and algorithmics for network problems. NETWORKS offers a highly stimulating research environment and an extensive training program for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.

Recently NETWORKS was awarded a COFUND grant the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, funded by the European Commission. The grant allows NETWORKS to expand its activities by opening positions for an additional 14 postdoctoral fellows in Stochastics and Algorithmics. 

Salary: A gross monthly salary of €2,960 to €4,670, based on a full-time contract. 

Job Requirements

In order to be eligible for the International Postdoctoral fellows in Stochastics and Algorithmics (COFUND), applicants are to send their complete applications before the deadline

  • a PhD degree or obtaining one within three months.
  • have at most three years of full-time post-PhD-degree research experience at the date of recruitment.
  • meet the mobility requirement of the MSCA which encourages transnational, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary mobility.  

Application Process

Interested applicants are to fill in the online application form and provide the following documents combined in one pdf, in English:

  • A CV, a copy of their PhD degree, and their PhD thesis;
  • A proposal (about 3-5 pages) with the research idea and main aim(s), briefly describing the approach, methodology, challenges, originality, timetable, required training, ethical issues, and potential societal use.
  • A motivation letter that must, among other things, mention the research theme(s) they are interested in and/or the NETWORKS research groups or supervisors they would like to work with;
  • Names and email addresses of up to three references,
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To apply as an International Postdoctoral fellow in Stochastics and Algorithmics, click here.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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