International Conference on Tourism Research (ICTR) Workshops, (Porto, Portugal)

The International Conference on Tourism Research is established on the cutting edge of tourism research and welcomes researchers in the field of travel and tourism to participate in the ICTR workshops.

Date: March 13, 2019

Location: University Portucalense, Porto, Portugal

Workshop Details:

  • Education on Tourism and Hospitality (12:30 – 14:30)

Led by Rosalyn Eder, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria

With the tourism industry blooming there is a need for more and better education in tourism and hospitality. This workshop is at the nexus of education and tourism phenomena. It presents critical perspectives on the explicit and implicit factors that interplay in tourism education and their impact on the institutions, individuals and the educative and educational processes.

It takes into account the current education landscape is in flux. The focus on higher education’s contribution to national and global development, the presence of various stakeholders with often conflicting goals, and the current social environment in which we live in and its concomitant issues (for ex. the 4th industrial revolution, political instability across regions) present a manifold of challenges for educators, administrators and students alike. On the other hand, the dynamics in modern tourism has turned the industry into one of the fastest growing economic sectors and a key factor for growth, generating new demands and intensifying competition.

The workshop promotes reflexive thinking on the education on tourism and hospitality in contemporary societies.

  • Participative Research Methods in Tourism (15:00 – 17:00)

Led by João Queiroz, Aga Khan Foundation, Portugal

This workshop addresses the methodological process of participatory diagnosis and creating the conditions for the participation of a given community (i.e., residents, technicians and professionals) in research. It focus the sharing, and subsequent analysis, of the perceptions and representations that a community has about experiences and living conditions and how it characterizes itself, taking into account collective identification (the neighbourhood, the place, the territory…).

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Participatory diagnosis methods constitute the first step to compromise residents, technicians and professionals with the change they will carry out.

This workshop will help participants to develop skills in participative research, which are vital to community intervention, namely:

  • Understand a reality given by the voice of those who live there, work or exercise their professional activity
  • Promote collective action, seeking to ensure this way Processes of greater adequacy of projects and solutions. 

The cost of attending the above workshop is £30 for participants registered for the International Conference on Tourism Research (ICTR) and £60 for anyone wishing to participate who is not attending the conference.

To reserve a place on this workshop please use the online form:

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