International Conference on Science & Technology Research in Rome by STRA (Partially online)

The Scientific and Technical Research Association (STRA) call for papers for its 4th ICSTR Rome – International Conference on Science & Technology Research 2021.

Scientific and Technical Research Association (STRA) is an international community of researchers, practitioners, students, and educationists for the development and spread of ideas in the field of science and technology.

International Academic Conferences promote the international dissemination of knowledge and the development of a cross-national academic fraternity. The participants come from different backgrounds and countries. They share their researches, experiences and informally create long-lasting bonds.

It has been commonly observed that people lack the motivation and confidence of taking part in international events, basically due to self-made or cultural inhibitions.

To help curb this problem Scientific and Technical Research Association (STRA) make sure to support and motivate first-timers and also seasoned academicians by:

  • Generating their academic and professional relationships
  • Boosting their morale and confidence in presenting their research on an international platform
  • Clearing their inhibitions of adjusting to the foreign environment
  • Providing a holistic experience of academic tourism


  • The University of Washington – Rome Center (UWRC), Piazza del Biscione 95, 00186 Roma, Italy
  • And partially online

Conference Date: September 9-10, 2021


An e-certificate post conference award by email will be awarded to the best paper at the STRA conference.

Submission Process

Abstracts should contain the following:

  • Relevant and complete title (ideally up to 15 words)
  • Full Names, Affiliations, Emails of author(s)
  • Research Abstract (ideally 150-300 words) indicating: Research Objectives, Methodology, Findings, Research Outcomes, Future Scope
  • 3 to 5 Keywords
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Deadline for paper submission: July 15, 2021

For more information about STRA conference, visit the official site.

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