Interdisciplinary PhD Scholarship Young Academy Groningen

Groningen University calls for applications from talented students who wish to design their own Ph.D. research project on an interdisciplinary topic within the scope of Young Academy Groningen members in the Netherland.

The Young Academy Groningen (YAG), established in 2016, is an organization that brings together the most enthusiastic, positive, and ambitious young researchers from diverse academic backgrounds. This is to support the development of interdisciplinary research initiatives.

As a Ph.D. scholarship student, the applicant will develop his/her own research project in consultation with the associated supervisor(s). He/she will conduct independent and original scientific research, report results via peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, and ultimately a Ph.D. thesis. The Ph.D. thesis has to be completed within four years. Being part of a cutting-edge research program, the applicant will receive research training as well as a varied educational training program including transferable skills and future (academic or non-academic) career training for after the Ph.D. trajectory, in the context of the school Career Perspective Series.


Ph.D. scholarship students receive a scholarship (stipend) of € 2,207 per month (gross) from the University of Groningen for a period of four years.

  • The ideal candidate is highly familiar with quantitative methods used in the social sciences and experienced in the use of at least one software package beyond SPSS.
  • He/she should have a background in either the social sciences, physics/astrophysics.
  • Applicant must have a master’s level education and have taken courses in cosmology, structure formation, and galaxy formation.
  • He/she should have an MSc degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, (Philosophical) Logic, Mathematics, or Artificial Intelligence.
  • Applicant should be ambitious, highly motivated, and wish to make a career in research.
  • He/she must have thorough training in research skills, speak and write English fluently, and have considerable experience in the project area being proposed.
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Application Process

Applications should include:

  • A brief letter of motivation mentioning which Project (Project 1-4) you are applying for
  • A CV, including contact details of two academic referees
  • A research proposal of a maximum of 1.500 words
  • Scan of Diploma/transcripts
  • A certified transcript of records.

For detailed information on how to apply, click here.

Deadline: March 19, 2021.

For more information visit the official site.

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