IMU–Simons African Fellowship Program 2021-22 (USD 5.000)

The International Mathematical Union (IMU) invites applications to its IMU–Simons African Fellowship Program 2021/2022.

The IMU–Simons African Fellowship Program is funded by the Simons Foundation, NY, USA, and supports research sabbaticals for mathematicians from African developing countries employed in Africa to travel to an internationally known mathematical center excellence /university (worldwide) for collaborative research.

The Simons Foundation is a private foundation based in New York City, incorporated in 1994 by Jim and Marilyn Simons. The Simons Foundation’s mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences. They sponsor a range of programs in the sciences, including grants programs in mathematics and the physical sciences. The primary focus of the foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences division is the theoretical sciences radiating from mathematics: in particular, the fields of mathematics, theoretical computer science, and theoretical physics.


 The maximum amount of the grant is USD 5.000 and is paid in two installments:

  • First payment for flight, accommodation, travel insurance, visa, and some funds for living costs before departure. and
  • Second payment for food, public transportation, and transport to the airport after the visit based on all receipts.

Candidates applying for these fellowships must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a valid doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in mathematics.
  • Be employed as a mathematician in the faculty of a university or an equivalent higher education institution.
  • Must base and work in an African developing country for the list of eligible countries
  • He/she should have been granted an appropriate leave of absence from his/her home institution which will cover the period of the visit.
  • The application must also be accompanied by a formal letter of invitation from the host institution, clearly identifying the period of the (short) research visit and the extent of the host institution’s financial commitment and support.
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Application Process

In order to apply for the IMU–Simons African Fellowship, the following steps must be taken:

  • A completed Application form must be submitted
  • Curriculum Vitae of both the applicant and the host professor must be submitted including a selected list of publications.
  • A detailed Research program which includes the General aim of the visit and the Schedule of the research visit
  • A formal letter of invitation from the host institution, clearly specifying the period of the visit as well as the extent of its financial commitment and support
  • Tentative Budget details (in USD).
  • A formal letter from the home institution, which clearly specifies the employment status of the grantee and the approval of leave of absence from his/her home institution.

To apply click here.

  • April 15th, 2021 for research visits starting between August 1st, 2021 and August 1st, 2022
  • July 15th, 2021 for research visits starting between November 1st, 2021 and November 1st, 2022
  • October 1st, 2021 for research visits between January 15th, 2022 and January 15th, 2023

For more information, visit the official site.

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