How to Pick a Suitable Research Title

The title encapsulates the key notion or ideas of your research. An excellent title uses the fewest words possible to accurately sum up the subject matter and/or goal of your research paper.

Without a doubt, the title is the section of a document that one reads first and is the most read. When a title is overly long, it usually includes a lot of extraneous words, such as “A Study to Investigate the…” or “An Investigation into…” However, a title that is too short frequently uses words that are too broad. For instance, the title “Global Warming” could pass for the title of a book, but it says nothing about the topic of a research paper.

You must bear the following in mind, when you are about picking a research title:

  • The objective of the study
  • The paper’s narrative style [usually determined by the type of research]
  • Methods employed/ Strategies utilized

A title’s primary aim is to grab the reader’s interest, and call their attention to the research subject that is currently being studied.

Develop a working title.

The final title you present to your professor is typically written after the study is complete to ensure that it appropriately summarizes what was done. Early on in the research process, the working title should be set up since it can function as an anchor for the study’s focus, just like the research problem does. If you notice that you are veering off course while writing, you can help yourself by referring back to the working title to get yourself back on track.

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Choosing the Final Title

Academic research papers with strong titles typically feature a variety of qualities, which includes:

  • Clearly stating the focus and boundaries of the investigation.
  • Avoid the use of acronyms.
  • Use terms that will leave a good impression and pique the reader’s curiosity.
  • Use the most recent terminology from the area of research.
  • Determine the important independent and dependent variables.
  • Put out a relationship between the factors that will help the main hypothesis.
  • Most not be below or above 10-15 substantive words
  • Don’t use words like “study of,” “analysis of,” or related phrases.
  • Although they can also take the form of a question, titles are typically expressed as phrases.
  • Use correct grammar and capitalization with all first words and last words capitalized, including the first word of a subtitle.

Note: All nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that appear between the first and last words of the title are also capitalized.

Still confused about how to get a suitable research title or a researchable topic? Visit Academic Hive and get all the resource you need to get started. You could book a session with our Consultant if you want further assistance, sounds great, right?


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