CORE (Connecting Repositories) provides searchable access to a collection of over 255 million open-access harvested research outputs. All outputs can be accessed and downloaded free of cost and have limited re-use restrictions.
The project’s objective is to collect all open-access material scattered across many platforms, such as repositories and open-access journals, enrich it using text mining and data mining, and then make it freely accessible through several services. Open access to scholarly products is another goal of the CORE initiative. CORE collaborates closely with institutional repositories and digital libraries to provide incredibly outstanding services. Below are a few services the Connecting Repository provides;
1. Access to raw data
2. Content discovery
3. OAI identifiers and OAI Resolver
4. Managing content
5. Consultancy services
The most exclusive feature of Core is the opportunity to be a member of the Core Research Community. Too often as researchers we exist within our disciplines and institutes, each in our silos, disconnected from each other.
The CORE Researcher Network provides opportunities for those working with CORE data to engage and collaborate with others from within and across disciplines. Connecting disparate researchers and research teams to mutually beneficial ends is a key tenet in creating this network.
By fostering these connections we can work together to better understand the nature of our own, and other, domains. One fun fact is that one could be an Ambassador too.
How to make use of the Core Website
The Core website is one of the best databases to make use of since it is exceptionally easy to navigate, but here are a few steps on how to get the most out of it.
1. Once you’re on the Core Website, there’s a search box at the top of the site, key in your search word
2. Hundreds or thousands of articles relating to your search word appear, but you can limit your search. Just under the search box are options like;
a. Field – Here you include the field relating to your search word
b. Year – Set the year range you desire
c. Author – Type in the Author if you’re searching for a particular author’s work
d. Type – You could select the type of paper you want too, although there are only three options here which are Research, Thesis, and Slides
e. Publisher – You could include the publisher of the article you’re searching for
f. Language – Select your preferred language
3. Click on the paper that suits your search
4. The Abstract of the Paper is displayed
5. For further reading click on, “Open in Core Reader to get the full text”.
6. If you want it downloaded on your device click on the download icon on the far right of the document
The Core research database is stress-free and time-saving.
If you still need further assistance locating a particular article on any research database Academic Hive Consultants got you covered, you could also browse through our website for more insightful articles.