Here, we would be giving an account of Emily Nicole Boaler. Finishing University with a foreign language degree and starting a job can be really scary. There are lots of jobs that need foreign languages, but it is hard to know which one to pick if you do not want to translate, interpret, or teach. It might feel like you do not fit in anywhere.
Not knowing which area to focus on makes it hard to get job experience while studying, like in sales, marketing, or tech. Some of us, like me, have worked in different areas during our studies instead of one specific thing. This can make it tough when applying for jobs. We might need to rely on an employer to give us a chance in a new area. Some employers care a lot about language skills, while others do not as much. You can use language skills for all sorts of jobs, like testing games for SEGA, buying stuff for TK Maxx from other countries, fixing trucks for VOLVO overseas, or being a tour guide on cruise ships.
Build up work experience during the university holidays
Sometimes, making the most out of spare time during university holidays is key as it can go in your favor once graduated. Sometimes, I would help my father with his business by coming up with new marketing ideas, raising invoices, and calculating profits. I also spent three summers working at Disneyland Paris where I saw a massive improvement in my French, picked up valuable work experience, and believe this really went in my favor when taking on my first multilingual role, which was also in Retail.
Build up work experience while living abroad
During my year abroad, I studied in Spain and Italy. On the side, I taught two Spanish children English. This experience can be really helpful if you want to be a teacher. Some people choose to do work placements abroad, which can lead to full-time jobs later on. Although I liked my study placements, one study placement and one work placement would have been better. It can help you figure out what you want to do after university.
Build up your LinkedIn network
In 2013, when I finished college, LinkedIn was not as popular as it is today. It wasn’t until 2017 that I began using it and realized how important it is for building a career. Now, I believe having a LinkedIn profile is crucial for job hunting. It takes time and effort to connect with people and establish an online presence, but starting before graduating can really help.
Gain volunteering experience
Volunteering helps you learn new things, help others, make friends, get experience, and share cool stuff on LinkedIn. When you are active on LinkedIn, more people who like the same things as you will follow you. Volunteering can also help you decide what job you want and can be a good topic in interviews.
Speak to multilingual recruiters
Before you finish university, talk to multilingual recruiters to learn about jobs that need language skills. They can help you figure out what you want to do and give you a head start after you graduate. After you graduate, having contacts is important. Recruiters can help you find a job that fits you well.
The steps continue in our next post, please stay glued.
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