How to Brainstorm Creatively in 2025

Brainstorming is the deliberate attempt to generate fresh ideas or answers to issues. It’s a useful preliminary stage in writing—whether creative, academic, or business—that helps writers know exactly what’s going into their projects.

Because ideas are the most precious resource in any communication, brainstorming for writing is an essential component of the process. However, for people who primarily wait for ideas to come to them, brainstorming can be challenging or even irritating.

We outline the most successful ways below to help with the process and make brainstorming more fruitful.

Six Steps to Brainstorming

If you’re new to brainstorming, here’s a simple six-step strategy to obtain the greatest results.


To get ready for a productive brainstorming session, it is crucial to create an environment that promotes innovative thinking. Begin by setting aside time for yourself or your team to focus on generating ideas. Make sure to prioritize the brainstorming session by scheduling it and giving yourself enough time to avoid being distracted by other tasks.

Next, choose a location that is comfortable and conducive to concentration. Eliminate any potential distractions and consider implementing a “no internet” policy during the session. To create a calming atmosphere, you may want to play music, burn incense, or adjust the lighting to your preference. Everyone has different preferences for what is relaxing, so choose what works best for you and your team.

Lastly, be sure to have something to write on to keep track of your ideas and notes during the session. A notepad, whiteboard, or digital tool can all be useful for capturing your thoughts and keeping them organized. Again, choose whatever is most comfortable for you: computer, phone, paper, etc. Try a whiteboard for a group brainstorming session so that everyone can see it.


Capture the main focal points

To prepare for your brainstorming session, begin by writing down the main focal points. For instance, if your task is to brainstorm ideas for an essay about irony in writing, write the word “irony” at the top or center of the document. Doing this creates a visual anchor that helps you focus your thoughts and return to the main topic if your mind wanders.

For more complex projects, it may help to write down subtopics or secondary categories. For example, when brainstorming to develop a character, you could use separate sections for different aspects of their personality, such as “fears” or “motives.”

If you’re unsure about the main focal points, this should be your first objective during the brainstorming session. You can start with a simple “main topic” heading and jot down any ideas that come to mind. It’s also helpful to anticipate the ideas you’d like to include in your first draft and write them down.

Brainstorming is most effective when you have a clear direction. The more you understand what you’re looking for, the easier it is to find it. Writing the main focal points as headers or category titles is an excellent way to remain focused on the task at hand.

Pen down all your first ideas

To put it differently, it’s advisable to write down all the easy ideas during the brainstorming session, including the ideas you had before the session and the obvious ones that seem too easy. Doing this has several benefits, such as helping to organize your thoughts and identifying any missing aspects. Additionally, writing down your ideas has interesting neurological effects, including an increase in attention. You can think of it as clearing your mind to create space for new ideas to emerge.


It’s important to remember that there are no bad ideas during brainstorming. The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, regardless of their quality. You can always refine and eliminate unnecessary ideas later. Therefore, during this stage, the more ideas, the better!

Search for patterns

After generating a substantial list of initial ideas, it’s time to analyze them. Look for patterns in the ideas that appeal to you and those that do not. Perhaps you have too many ideas in one category but too few in another. In such a case, you could opt to do away with the weaker category and split the larger one into two.

Use any patterns or connections you find to guide your subsequent idea generation. This will help you focus on what works and avoid what does not. If you’re brainstorming in a group, this could be an excellent opportunity to discuss the ideas you’ve generated so far.

Make a list of the “holes” or unaddressed objectives

What is lacking? What other ideas do you require? When your brainstorming session comes to a halt, take stock of what you have—and don’t have.

Once the “easier” ideas are out of the way, you may return your attention to the more difficult ones. However, before delving in, it is best to make a list of all the gaps. Make a list of all your undefined narrative pieces, for example, if you’re writing a novel. Use this as a checklist, going over each item one at a time until you have ideas for each.

Generate new ideas for the missing parts

The next step in brainstorming writing is to generate new ideas for the missing parts. While this can be challenging, it’s crucial to address these difficulties at the start rather than later. If you find yourself struggling, there are several brainstorming techniques you can use to jump-start your creativity:

  • Word association involves writing down the first new word that comes to mind after seeing a word. This exercise can help you find new thematic relationships you hadn’t considered before or simply occupy your mind while more ideas brew in your subconscious.
  • Asking questions is an effective way to generate new ideas. By asking yourself the right questions, you can uncover insights and inspiration that you might have otherwise missed.
  • “What if” scenarios can also be useful. Consider different scenarios and see what ideas come to mind.
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Remember to take breaks when you need them. Brainstorming can be exhausting, and it’s often better to rest and come back to it later when you’re thinking more clearly.

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