GDN Video Contest for Young Researchers 2021

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in collaboration with the Global Development Network (GDN) invites young scholars based and operating in the global South to submit a self-produced short video on Southern voices on global transitions.

Young researchers are asked to communicate explicitly and concisely about the social issues and dynamics they are researching, drawing on their own scientific endeavors as well as those of those in their profession. The videos should seek to bring quality and up-to-date information on the main change changes affecting our lives into public discourse using language suitable for a large audience of non-specialists.

Awards: EUR 6,000
  • The GDN contest is open to all researchers affiliated with an institution based in one of the countries listed in Annexe 1, irrespective of their nationality.
  • Applicants must be researchers with at least a Master’s degree in social sciences.
  • Applicants from the natural sciences are welcome to apply if they are currently working in larger multidisciplinary teams with social scientists.
  • They are to submit their videos and application in English or French
  • He/she should be up to 40 years old on July 4th, 2021.
  • Applicants based in NGOs or think tanks and who conduct academically informed research who do not have an academic affiliation are welcome to apply too.
Application Process
  • Applicant’s current CV, including a list of publications and ongoing research projects, with links to the public information about them whenever possible.
  • A copy of their passport or ID.
  • Their Master’s degree certificate.
  • A link to the original video uploaded on YouTube.
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To apply, click here.

Deadline: July 4, 2021.

For more information and application, visit the official site.

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