Full Professor in Technology Enhanced Learning and Instruction

The University of Twente (UT) invites learning scientists with excellent research and teaching records to apply for the position of Full Professor of Technology Enhanced Learning and Instruction (TELI).

Its mission is to develop (theories underpinning) innovative, technology-enhanced, and adaptive learning environments. They offer an exciting opportunity for inspiring learning scientists with a strong vision of how to effectively support teaching and learning with and from technology. They invite the new professor to build upon our current approach in which we combine fundamental studies with applied research to strengthen our societal impact. and also aim to understand students learning processes when learning in technology-enhanced environments. The full professor is expected to expand and extend research within the area of technology-enhanced learning and instruction.

Duration: 2 years


As a TELI professor, the applicant will provide leadership to the IST research group.

  • He/she will take responsibility for building capacity on Technology Enhanced Learning and Instruction in the section, inspiring researchers from adjacent fields to collaborate.
  • Strengthen the learning research by engaged supervision of BSc, MSc, and PhD students.
  • Develop a strong Instructional Technology education portfolio, teaching in bachelor’s and master’s programs, and in different formats of continuing and professional education.
  • Acquire funding from national and international sources.
  • Create impact with the research and teaching activities and actively engage with stakeholders from the field to set up new collaborations and contribute to knowledge valorization.


  • A tenured position as Professor with a competitive salary (maximum €10.309,- euro gross per month).
  • Excellent research facilities in our LDT department within the BMS school
  • Extras such as an 8,3% end-of-year bonus and 8% holiday allowance
  • minimum of 29 holidays in case of full-time employment;
  • An attractive pension scheme
  • Possibilities to save up holidays for sabbatical leave
  • Professional and personal development programs
  • A family-friendly institution, offering support for dual hiring
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Job Requirements

They seek applicants with the following qualifications:

  • have a background in either the learning, educational, or psychological sciences, and a strong background in technology-enhanced learning and instruction
  • have developed a research line of international stature, with strong scientific and societal impact and acquired substantial external funding
  • show vision and drive (seeing opportunities and possibilities, showing ambition)
  • are active in networks and have experience in working closely with both students and teachers in primary, secondary, vocational, or higher education;
  • have strong collaborative capabilities, and communication skills, with research experience in a multidisciplinary environment
  • are active in networks and have experience in working closely with both students and teachers in primary, secondary, vocational, or higher education;
  • are skilled in teaching at all levels of the university, possess a University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) certificate, or are willing to acquire this

Application Process

Interested applicants can apply for the Full Professor in Technology Enhanced Learning and Instruction with a CV and a vision statement.

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: December 31, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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