Freiburg Institute Fellowships for Junior Researchers (Fully Funded)

The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) at the University of Freiburg, Germany invites applications to its Freiburg Institute Fellowships for Junior Researchers.

The University of Freiburg is launching the “Young Academy for Sustainability” in spring 2021 with the objective of hosting the world’s finest post-doctoral talents to undertake frontier research in the field of sustainability at the University of Freiburg. The “Young Academy for Sustainability Research” is funded by the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation and provides two 2-year anchor junior fellowships, including an attractive salary, a research cost contribution, and conference grants as well as other benefits.

During the fellowship, fellows will have the opportunity to live in a vibrant city, work at a leading global university, and conduct research in an academic community that strives for excellence and impact. The Fellowships offer a unique opportunity for outstanding junior researchers who wish to make major contributions to the emerging field of sustainability science and related grand societal challenges.

The fellowships are addressed to post-doctoral scholars who wish to make major contributions to the emerging field of sustainability science. Specifically, the proposed projects should address one, but preferably several of the following cross-cutting thematic areas:

  • environmental risks;
  • adaptation, vulnerability, and resilience;
  • innovations for sustainability;
  • systemic transitions to sustainability;
  • power, responsibility, and sustainability.
  • They will receive an annual research cost contribution of € 4,500.
  • Conference support of € 1,800 per year.
  • Fellowships include a two-year full-time employment contract with the University of Freiburg with a salary of approximately 70,000 € per year pre-tax.
  • The fellows are covered by national insurance (unemployment, pension, health, and accident insurance).
  • Each fellow will receive a travel allowance to cover the costs of the inbound and outbound journey.
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  • Applicants must have a completed Ph.D. plus one to six years of post-doctoral experience at the time of the application.
  • Distinctive candidates will be exceptional postdoctoral scientists who must have demonstrated outstanding intellectual quality.
  • Original and innovative ideas to tackle emerging, complex problems and the courage to open new research frontiers are essential.
  • The academic excellence of both the applicant and the project proposal is an eligibility criterion.
Application Process

Electronic applications (Formatting: font Arial, 11 pt, line spacing 1.5, all margins 2.5 cm)

in English including

  • short motivation letter (maximum1 page)
  • research proposal detailing the specific aims to be pursued (maximum 6 pages)
  • a Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages)
  • a list of publications (maximum 2 pages)
  • a list of references (no letters of recommendation are required at this stage)

in one single PDF-file should be sent to

Deadline: March 14, 2021.

For more information visit the official site.

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