Exercise and it’s effect on Academic Performance

One may say that exercise has no significant impact on academic performance, but this is not wholly true . Exercise plays a more effective role than some substances mostly used to aid study.

For instance, exercise can improve your focus and memory, as well as your ability to cope with the stress of deadlines and tests, improve your sleep, and help you concentrate.

Setting aside time for exercise in addition to schoolwork can be very rewarding. Just include it in your study schedule and feel the magic.

Below are a few ways exercise aids academic performance;

Exercise enhances Sleep and Sleep enhances Retention

For our brains to work properly, getting enough sleep is just as important as getting enough food or water. Sleep deprivation has adverse effect on how well people perform mentally and academically.

The unavoidable worries about tests or deadlines, frequently mixed with excessive caffeine use, late-night concentration sessions, and even the occasional massive all-night study session, can seriously disrupt sleep habits.

Yet getting a decent night’s sleep the night before an exam rather than staying up all night studying will increase your chances of performing well on it.

Thus, it is important you exercise well to improve your chances of sleeping well. Which in turn enhances your retention capacity.

Exercising enhances Focus and Memory

Our ability to focus is dependent on our blood oxygen levels. And when we can’t focus, it’s becomes difficult to learn new information or recall material that we’ve previously studied.

Your concentration will improve as a result of the increased oxygen flow to your brain when you exercise.

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An increase in oxygen flow to the brain helps improve concentration, and to achieve this one must exercise periodically.

Studies, also, have revealed that engaging in vigorous aerobic exercise can stimulate the hippocampus, a region of the brain that controls memory, to produce new brain cells.

Continuous exercise several times a week can produce more than 30% of these new cells in the hippocampus.

More exercise breeds new cells and new cells help enhance recollection and concentration when you study.

Exercise elevates Emotions and Mood

Several studies have demonstrated that exercise can improve our mood, lessen symptoms of self-reported distress, and lessen feelings of worry.

Whether studying, reviewing, or taking an exam, being in a good mood might aid in your ability to concentrate and feel more self-assured.

Scientists have identified several hormones and brain chemicals that regulate our mood and are altered by exercise.

Endorphins and serotonin are very good examples of these brain chemicals. When we exercise these chemicals are released and they make us feel better, happier and even more relaxed when we study.

Most students opt for caffeine to give them these feelings but here is what Believe Perform has to say –

A note on caffeine: Coffee and studying might seem to be popular bedfellows but caffeine has an effect on several hormones that might work against you in the long run. It slows the absorption of adenosine, a chemical which helps us feel calmer; it increases adrenaline which might provide a temporary energy lift, but can make us feel more tired later on; and it increases levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. (Believe Perform)

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