Excellence Master Fellowships at University of Geneva 2021

The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva invites applications to its 2021 Excellence Master Fellowships.

The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva is an internationally recognized leading research institution. This cutting-edge research covers a broad range of scientific disciplines: astronomy, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, pharmaceutical sciences, earth sciences, and the environment. The Faculty hosts three National Centres of Competence in Research of the highly competitive Swiss National Sciences Foundation (Chemical Biology; SwissMAP; Planets) as well as many European research projects. The Masters of the Faculty of Science constitute an ideal training base for an academic but also professional development, opening on careers in industry, teaching, administration in sciences, communication, and media… The programs Master’s degrees are either entirely in English, or in English and French (see the descriptions of each program).

The Faculty of Science, with the support of external partners, has established an Excellence Fellowship program open to outstanding and highly motivated students who wish to pursue a Master of Science degree in one of the disciplines covered by the Faculty1. Candidate selection is based on excellence.


The Excellence Fellowship consists of a grant amounting to CHF 10’000 to CHF 15’000/yea


This fellowship is open to students

  • Regardless of their home university,
  • Whether they have passed or are doing a brilliant bachelor degree, and
  • Who is one of the best in their year,
  • Who meet the admission criteria of the Master of their choice and are selected on the basis of the application file for an Excellence Fellowship.
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Application Process

For the application to be considered, each applicant has to fulfill the enrollment procedure as described on the Admissions office website.

The application (in English or French) must include the following documents in the form of a single pdf file:

  • A scanned copy of a national identity card or passport.
  • A Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum).
  • A motivation letter in which applicants describe their specific scientific interests and their motivation to pursue a Master of Science program at the University of Geneva.
  • The transcript of exams passed during the bachelor education, with all grades.
  • If possible: Letters of references from two professors (preferably sent by them directly to Excellence-Master-Sciences@unige.ch) attesting applicant aptitude to this program.
  • Any other pertinent information like results of GRE (General requirement examination), of TOEFL, or another language test.

For detailed information on how to apply, click here.

Deadline: March 15, 2021.

For more information visit the official site.

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