Elizabeth Henry 2023 Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health

The call for applications is open for the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship program for Communities and Environmental Health 2023.

The Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health supports graduate students working on research projects in partnership with one or more Indigenous and/or non-Indigenous British Columbia communities that are addressing air quality, environmental health issues, and/or promoting environmental sustainability through cooperative initiatives.

The Fraser Basin Council’s Directors and Staff helped establish the Scholarship in 2014 in honour of Elizabeth Henry and the numerous contributions she made to British Columbian communities as well as to our organization. The intent of the scholarship is to support community projects that reflect these values.


The Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health award the sum of  $4000 to is scholars


These are the requirements for the Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health

  • The applicant must be a full-time graduate student for at least one semester before being awarded the scholarship
  • The student’s proposed research project must focus on working in partnership with one or more Indigenous and/or non-Indigenous British Columbia communities that are addressing air quality, environmental health issues and/or promoting environmental sustainability through cooperative initiatives
  • The project must have well-defined objectives and research methodologies as well as tangible project outcomes that provide direct and ethically sound benefits to the community
  • Preference will be given to significant and innovative projects
  • Preference will be given to projects that directly engage the community, and where strong community support and buy-in are demonstrated

Selection Criteria

The Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health Committee evaluate each application based on the following:

  • the applicant’s satisfaction with eligibility requirements
  • the applicant’s academic performance
  • direct benefits to the community of the proposed research project
  • alignment of the project with the scholarship values: high ethical standards, Integrity, and promoting dialogue and respectful collaboration among diverse stakeholders
  • Projects that are important and innovative will be given preference.
  • Projects that directly involve the community and that show a lot of community support and buy-in will be given consideration.
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Application Process

Interested applicants are welcome to apply online and upload the following documents:

  • undergraduate transcript
  • transcript of graduate courses to date (if applicable), and
  • two letters of reference on official letterhead evaluating their capabilities and/or the significance and feasibility of their research project.

To apply for the Elizabeth Henry 2023 Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health, click here.

Deadline: May 10, 2023.

For more information About Elizabeth Henry 2023 Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health, visit the official site.

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