DST- NRF Centre of Excellence fellowships Program 2022 (Funded)

The DST- NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development calls for applications to its 2022 Bursaries Masters, Doctoral, and Post-doctoral Fellowships.

Each year the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development awards bursaries to high-performing Master’s and Doctoral students and Post-doctoral fellows who wish to do research that falls into one of the CoE’s four thematic or cross-cutting areas:

Life-course development; which covers the development of individuals from conception to death. Under this category are included multi-disciplinary studies of a child, adolescent, and adult development.

Socioeconomic development; which covers the attainment of improved living conditions, both material and non-material through, amongst others, health, education, social security, food security, and decent employment.

Transformational development; which covers aspirations and values that influence and are influenced by, amongst others, individual and group identity.

Inter-generational development; which covers the life cycle from one generation to another. Studies of families and inter-generational influences are included in this category.


  • Master’s students are funded for two years at R70 000 a year
  • Doctoral students are funded for three years at R100 000 a year
  • Post-Doctoral Fellows are funded for three years at R200 000 a year
  • All Master’s students must fulfill the requirements for their degree within two years and have at least one co-authored paper in a peer-reviewed journal accepted for publication.
  • The Doctoral students must fulfill the requirements for their degrees within three years and have at least two first-authored papers accepted for publication or published.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellows must have at least two first- or co-authored papers accepted for publication, in the press, or published in each year of the three-year fellowship.
  • Applications may be made by students directly or by supervisors on behalf of students.
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Application Process

The following documents are to be submitted alongside the application form:

  • Proof of Registration
  • Copy of photo page of ID or passport
  • Project Proposal and relevance to the topic of Human Development
  • Academic transcripts.

To download the form, click here.

Deadline: February 26, 2021.

For more information visit the official site.

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