Dalarna University International Masters Scholarship 2021

Applications are currently ongoing for the Dalarna University International Masters Scholarship 2021.

Dalarna University is a higher education institution that is regulated by Sweden government legislation. Their aim is to promote an environment founded on the equal value of the individual where everyone shall have access to higher education regardless of external factors.

Every year, Dalarna University awards partial scholarships to a number of its new international, fee-paying Master’s students who have proven themselves to be outstanding in their educational endeavors.


Dalarna University offers all students with outstanding academic results a reduction of their tuition fees for continued studies at Dalarna University.


In order to qualify for this reduction of tuition fees applicant:

  • Must have studied at least one semester (Master’s level) or two semesters (Bachelor’s level) within a degree programme at Dalarna University.
  • Is continuing the same degree programme for at least one more semester of full-time study.
  • Must have achieved at least 50% results of VG or 5/4 depending on the grading scale used.
  • Must be verified as “outstanding” by the faculty in his/her programme.
Application Process

A complete scholarship application to Dalarna University has four parts:

  • The online scholarship application
  • CV or résumé (uploaded to the University Admissions account)
  • A recommendation letter from an employer or teacher (uploaded to the University Admissions account)
  • A video where an applicant explains why he/she should receive a scholarship.
Application Deadline: March 25, 2021.

For more information and application, visit the official site.

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