The call for applications is currently open for the DAAD PRIME Postdoctoral Researchers on International Mobility Experience.
DAAD PRIME funds the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers with temporary positions at German universities. Postdocs who see their long-term career perspectives in Germany receive funding for an independent research stay abroad, based on temporary employment at a German university. The grant also includes a mandatory return phase for reintegration into the German science system. The programme aims to provide participants with an important qualification for a continued career in science. The target group are postdoctoral researchers who see their long-term professional career in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides the funds for this programme.
Starting Date: June 01, 2024
Duration: 12 Months
- Temporary 18-month employment contract at a German university according to pay scale TV-L EG
- A monthly expatriate allowance for the research stay abroad, based on an area classification of the destination and the gross income of the fellows.
- PRIME Fellows receive the DAAD lump sum travel subsidy for postdoctoral scientists. Spouse s (either by marriage or according to German law on civil partnerships) and children are also eligible if they accompany the fellow for at least one month during the research stay abroad.
To qualify for this Postdoc Research on International Mobility Experience:
- Applicants must have completed their doctorate before the start of funding with very good marks (at least magna cum laude / very good for a doctorate in Germany).
- While not recommended, it is possible to apply in the final stages of the doctorate.
- Applicants must comply with the programme’s mobility rule, i.e., they are free to choose any country (except Germany) as destination for their research stay abroad, provided they have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in that country for more than 12 months
- To be considered for funding, applicants living abroad are expected to state their intent to continue their research careers in Germany upon completion of the return phase.
Selection Criteria
The performance-based assessment takes into account:
- the achievements of the applicant to date (scientific and other qualifications); and
- the quality of the proposed project
Application Process
- Completed application form
- Curriculum vitae without chronological gaps and in tabular form
- Career plan (one page max.)
- Short summary/abstract of the research project
- A detailed and independently prepared research proposal coordinated with the German and foreign host.
- Time schedule for the realization of the planned work abroad and in Germany (e.g., Gantt chart)
- Invitation letter from the German host
- Certificates of the two most recent academic degrees
- Invitation letter from the foreign host
- Publication list
- Short summary of the doctoral thesis
To apply for DAAD PRIME Postdoc Research on International Mobility Experience, click here
Deadline: August 31, 2023.
For more information on DAAD PRIME Postdoc Research on International Mobility Experience, visit the official site.