Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund for Post-doctoral Researchers (£20,000 in grants)

Applications are currently ongoing for the 2021/22 Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA international Research Fund for Post-doctoral Researchers in Sub-Saharan African Institutions.

The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund established in 2012, with support from The ALBORADA Trust was created to support pairs of researchers (post-doctoral level and above) from the University of Cambridge (or an affiliated institution such as the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, NIAB, and British Antarctic Survey) and sub-Saharan African institutions, across all disciplines, to initiate and/or strengthen research collaborations.

Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund is funding opportunities that encourage research, training, and engagement between Cambridge and sub- Saharan Africa. Applicants from Cambridge apply jointly with applicants from universities/ institutes in sub- Saharan Africa and co-create the projects.


The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research grants covers:

  • Travel Award (Cambridge/Africa or Africa/Cambridge) £3,000
  • Support for a workshop or research training course in Africa up to £10,000
  • Equipment £20,000
  • Research project (Social Sciences) £6,000
  • Research project (Science) £20,000


The following eligibility criteria must be met to apply for the Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund for Post-doctoral Researchers in Sub-Saharan African Institutions

  • African applicant must be based in a sub-Saharan African Research Institution or University
  • The Cambridge applicant must be either working at the University of Cambridge, or at a Research Institute affiliated with the University.
  • Both applicants must be at the post-doctoral level or above and must apply with the support of their Head of Department or equivalent
  • The applicants should have a formal link to a research group/department/faculty in their home institution.

Application Process

To apply for the Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research grants, both applicants must register and complete a saveable online application form, available on the Cambridge Africa website. Final submissions should include the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae for both the Cambridge and Africa PI (maximum 2 pages)
  • Case for support and a lay summary
  • An itemized budget (template provided)
  • A letter of support from the department/faculty of the Cambridge Principal Invigilator (PI)
  • A letter of support from the department/institution of the African Principal Invigilator (PI)
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Deadline: September 3, 2021.

For more information Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research fund, visit the official site.

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