Calls For Proposals: The Road Safety Grants Program’s Round 22

The Global Road Safety Partnership is happy to announce the Bloomberg Road Safety Grants Program’s Round 22 Call for Proposals.

Bloomberg Philanthropies funds the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety
(BIGRS) to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries in low- and middle-income countries. A
the competitively awarded grants program is an important part of the initiative.

Applications addressing the reform of national-level road safety policy and/or its execution with extensive guidelines on risk variables relating to user behavior will be accepted from Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Uganda, Ukraine, and Vietnam.

Proposals must focus on policy reform or policy implementation that will lead to substantial
reductions in road traffic injuries and deaths. The Grants Programme supports
organizations advocating for the passage and implementation of comprehensive policies (legislation,
regulations, standards, etc.) to address road user behavioral risk factors and vehicle safety.


  • Proposals can be submitted for grants up to a maximum amount of 120,000 Swiss francs (CHF) for a project of no more than 24 months.
  • However, the final amount of funding will depend on a number of factors, including consideration of a proposed scope of work vis-a-vis the capacity of the organization.


Governmental and non-governmental organizations in the nominated countries can apply for grants within the following parameters:

  • Governmental organizations with relevant authority over road safety policy and/or its implementation.
  • Non-governmental organizations (including but not limited to civil society organizations and educational institutions) with relevant advocacy experience on policy reform and/or its implementation.


  • Applicants must be registered legal entities in the country of project delivery, capable of entering into contractual arrangements, receiving foreign funds, and assuming legal and financial obligations.
  • Applicants cannot be recipients of financial support from the alcohol, firearms, pornography, or tobacco industries.
  • The Grants Programme does not fund individuals.
  • If an applicant is a current grantee organization, he/she should discuss the development of a Concept Note with his/her focal person in GRSP.
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Application Process

To apply for The Bloomberg Road Safety Grants Program’s Round 22, click here.

Deadline: February 13, 2023.

For more information, visit the official site.

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