Call for Proposals: The 2023 STEG Larger Research Grants

STEG and the Yale Research Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE) invite applications to the fourth call for proposals for Larger Research Grants (LRGs).

Established in March 2020, the Structural Transformation and Economic Growth (STEG) programme seeks to improve knowledge of structural change, productivity, and growth in low- and middle-income nations. In order to better facilitate structural change, productivity gains, and both sustained and sustainable growth, STEG aims to build a strong body of evidence that will assist national governments, international development organisations, NGOs, and the private sector in designing and implementing strategies, policies, and programmes.

Research may focus on broad systemic patterns and processes of structural transformation and growth for low-income countries, in a comparative sense across time or space, or more narrowly defined topics related to one or more of the following six research themes:

  • Data, measurement, and conceptual framing;
  • Firms, frictions and spillovers, and industrial policy;
  • Labour, home production, and structural transformation at the level of households;
  • Agricultural productivity and sectoral gaps;
  • Trade and spatial frictions;
  • Political economy and public investment.

STEG is also focuses on three cross-cutting issues that are simultaneously relevant to many areas of structural transformation, including the six research themes:

  • Gender;
  • Climate change and the environment;
  • Inequality and inclusion.

Duration: 12 Months

Grants:  £100,000


For the The 2023 STEG Larger Research Grants, the following must be met:

  • Applications are welcome from researchers all over the world, and
  • They encourage applications that propose collaboration between researchers from lower- and higher-income countries.
  • Principal investigators applying to LRG calls should currently have a PhD or be enrolled in a PhD programme.
  • Co-investigators on STEG-funded projects should have a PhD or are enrolled in a PhD programme.
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Selection Criteria

Evaluation and selection are based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of the proposed research
  • Relevance to policy
  • Feasibility and credibility of the proposal
  • Value for money
  • Contributions to expanding the field

Application Process

 Applicants are asked to submit their proposals, using the templates available below.

To apply for Call for Proposals: The 2023 STEG Larger Research Grants, click here

Deadline: September 19, 2023.

For more information on Call for Proposals: The 2023 STEG Larger Research Grants, visit the official site.

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