Call for proposals: Solution-Oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) Programme

The SOR4D program invites researchers and development actors from policy and practice to collaborate in transnational and transdisciplinary consortia.

The Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) program is a joint funding instrument between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) that builds on experiences and lessons learned in previous joint programs.

The overarching goal of the SOR4D program is to produce better knowledge, solutions, and innovation by needs-driven, transdisciplinary research that opens up new ways for advancing sustainable development and reducing poverty in the least developed, low, and lower-middle-income countries.


The following costs are eligible in SOR4D projects:

  • Personnel costs
  • Researchers and development actors doing research in the project (employees with an academic degree from an institution of higher education or research [master, doctoral degree] or a practitioners organisation Coordinators of the project or country team
  • Financial officers and accountants
  • Technicians
  • Assistants
  • MSc students (only partner countries)
  • Knowledge Utilisation: Communication and dissemination activities (e.g. workshops, conferences, video, content);
  • Material costs: Equipment of enduring value (only partner countries), consumables, travel costs (compulsory emissions offsetting), room and board costs, field expenses


The SOR4D program is open to all disciplines from the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, health, and life sciences:

  • One responsible applicant research partner holding a position at higher education or research institution;
  • At least one co-applicant research partner holding a position at higher education or research institution located in the least developed, low and lower-middle-income country;
  • At least one co-applicant development actor of a practitioner organisation located in the country/countries where the transdisciplinary research is being conducted.
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Application Process

In addition to the administrative data that needs to be entered directly in mySNF, the following documents must be uploaded in PDF format:

  • Cover letter with a declaration of interest jointly prepared and signed by all consortia members (responsible applicant and co-applicants).
  • Research plan: structured along the template for pre-proposals provided on the mySNF online portal under “Information/documents”  
  • CVs of responsible applicant and of each co-applicant and project partner.
  • The CV of a researcher has to include a list of the five most relevant publications in the field of the proposed research.
  • While that of a development actor has to include at least three references of implemented projects relevant for the proposed research activity

Deadline: May 02, 2022.

For more information on SOR4D Programme, visit the official site.

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