Call for Papers: The 13th CompNet Annual Conference at the Central Bank of Malta

A call for papers is open for the 13th CompNet Annual Conference, co-sponsored by the Central Bank of Malta & IWH, with the topic “Competitiveness and Firm Productivity in a Disintegrating Global Economy.”.

The European Union (EU) has placed competitiveness at the heart of its policy agenda, recognizing its crucial role in driving economic growth and prosperity. However, the debate has just started on how to tackle this issue. On the one hand, there is a call for fostering innovation, efficiency, and productivity within firms, enabling them to compete effectively on the global stage. On the other hand, there are increasing concerns that the international environment is far from ensuring a fair playing field, ridden as it is by uncompetitive practices and more aggressive and generalized industrial policies. There is therefore a risk that enhancing EU competitiveness could equate to raising trade protection barriers.

These dynamics are likely to add complexity, as they are living in a world increasingly affected by geopolitical tensions and conflict that are causing further disintegration of the global economy. This conference seeks to explore these issues and their implications for firm dynamism, resilience, productivity, competitiveness, investment, employment, and earnings, with a particular but not exclusive focus on the EU context. The insights gained will not only contribute to academic discourse but also inform policy decisions, ensuring that the drive for competitiveness aligns with the principles of open and fair trade. More specifically, they are seeking applied and innovative research handling, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Migration
  • Climate change and related GHG emission reduction policies
  • Tax and industrial policy
  • Trade sanctions and barriers and the re-orientation of global supply chains
  • Large fluctuations in energy and other input prices.
  • Persistently higher interest rates and financial constraints
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Venue: Central Bank of Malta

Conference dates: June 20-21, 2024


They are particularly interested in academic papers with strong theoretical foundations, empirically sound methodologies, and policy-relevant findings. They encourage submissions that employ rigorous empirical methodologies to investigate the issues at hand, especially using micro-data, and even better if based on CompNet datasets.

The objective is to foster a dialogue that is grounded in robust empirical evidence, thereby ensuring that the insights are both relevant and applicable to policymaking. This emphasis on empirical, policy-relevant research is in line with CompNet’s commitment to bridging the gap between academia and policy, ultimately contributing to more informed and effective competitiveness strategies

Submission Process

To register for the 13th CompNet Annual Conference at the Central Bank of Malta, click here.

Deadline: February 01, 2024

For more information on the 13th CompNet Annual Conference at the Central Bank of Malta, visit the official site.

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