Call for Nominations: The 2023 GBIF Award for Young Researchers

On behalf of the National Participant Network, the GBIF Secretariat is happy to invite nominations for the 2023 GBIF Award for Young Researchers.

This annual program aims to encourage and recognize innovative research and discoveries in biodiversity informatics made by graduate students whose master’s and doctoral studies are based on data from GBIF.

The 2023 program will offer a pair of prizes, recognizing the work of two early-career researchers – preferably, a master’s candidate and a doctoral student – who receive official nominations from Heads of Delegations or communication node managers of GBIF participating countries.


The award will offer a pair of prizes worth €5,000


Applicants must provide a letter of support attesting to their affiliation with a graduate university program to be eligible for the award. Applicants must be either:

  • citizens of a GBIF participating country
  • or students whose University is a participant of the GBIF Award

Selection Criteria

The 2023 GBIF Award for Young Researchers criteria are as follows:

  • Originality and innovation
  • The use and strategic importance of the data accessible by GBIF
  • Measurable effectiveness and impact to advance biodiversity informatics and/or biodiversity conservation.

Application Process

Candidates for the 2023 GBIF Award for Young Researchers must prepare their proposal and nomination file including:

  • Curriculum vitae of the candidate student including full contact details of the home institution.
  • Supporting documents
  • An official letter from the student’s mentor/supervisor certifying that the applicant is a student in good standing in the university’s graduate program.
  • At least one, and no more than three, letters of support from established researchers active in a field that encompasses and integrates biodiversity informatics
  • A research summary ( 200 words )
  • A project description ( 5 pages maximum, Arial 12 points ) that describes
    a. The need for the research and the question(s) it answers.
    b. The role of data accessible through GBIF in answering these questions.
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Deadline: June 04, 2023.

For more information on the 2023 GBIF Award for Young Researchers, visit the official site.

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