Call for Nominations: 2023 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize)

The QEPrize welcomes public submissions for a wide range of engineering breakthroughs from all sectors of the profession, as well as a diverse group of nominators from around the world.

This will be a single prize awarded to one individual, or a team of up to five people, responsible for a ground-breaking innovation in engineering that has been of global benefit to humanity.

Engineering serves us in every part of life, and the frontiers are always shifting. This is evident in the QEPrize, which covers various disciplines and industries. Engineering’s fruits range from nanoscale devices that get medicines to where they would need in the body to the world’s largest – and greenest – buildings; from the pinpoint accuracy of heart surgery robots to the proliferation of ever-faster multiplatform broadband applications; from hi-tech fabrics to make the smart clothes of the future to new, clean, and green energy sources to power the world. In addition, engineering also promotes the sharing of ideas and information, empowering the desire for freedom, security, and a better quality of life.

Award: £500,000 Prize


  • The QEPrize is international and open to any nationality.
  • Nominations and suggestions are welcomed from across the world.
  • Self-nomination and posthumous nomination are not allowed.


The key selection criteria are:

  • The global impact the innovation has on the society
  • Ability to identify up to 5 engineers responsible for the innovation
  • Have enough information to write a case for nomination
  • Ability to identify at least 2 people who are familiar enough with the innovation to act as referees

Nomination Process

To nominate for the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize), click here.

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Deadline: July 15, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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