Call for Nomination: Georg Forster Research Award 2021

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation calls for nomination from outstanding researchers to its 2021 Georg Forster Research Award.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation presents up to six Georg Forster Research Awards each year to internationally outstanding researchers from developing and transition countries in recognition of their academic record to date.

The Georg Forster Research Award aims to support the long-term promotion of outstanding scientific multipliers in transition and developing countries whose research will contribute to improving living conditions in their countries of origin.

Aside from the €60,000 cash prize, up to €25,000 in additional funding will be available to support academic collaboration by covering the costs of attending academic conferences, acquiring material resources such as specialist literature or scientific equipment at the home institution, or hiring junior researchers.

Eligible for nomination are researchers whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or findings have had a lasting effect on their discipline beyond their immediate research area and who will continue to contribute to developing research-based approaches to the specific challenges of developing and emerging countries.


  • The award amount is €60,000.
  • Award winners are also asked to collaborate on a research topic of their choice at a German research institution with professional colleagues.
  • Invitations to various events and the ability to attend language classes are among the privileges available to award winners.


The individual nominated must meet the following criteria:

  • The nominee’s academic achievements must be internationally acknowledge and proven by corresponding successes in research.
  • The nominee may not previously have received an award from the Humboldt Foundation for her/his academic work.
  • He/she must be a citizen of a developing or transition country.
  • The nominee must have lived and worked in one of these countries for at least five years at the time of nomination.
  • The nomination of qualified female researchers is highly welcome.
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Selection Criteria

The main selection criteria include:

  • the nominee’s outstanding international reputation as a researcher
  • research findings with a demonstrable impact that extends beyond the immediate field of work
  • the significance of the awarding of a research prize in relation to the developmental relevance of the research
  • the nominee’s multiplier effect in research, teaching, and science management and in other development-related processes outside the research field.

Nomination Deadline: October 31, 2021.

For more information and Nomination for Georg Forster Research Award 2021, visit the official site.

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