Applications are currently ongoing for the Bioresources Regional Innovation collaboration projects for Eastern Africa Development Programme (BioInnovate Africa) 2022.
The Bioresources Innovations Network for Eastern Africa Development Programme (BioInnovate Africa) is a regional science and innovation-driven initiative that is supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya.
The initiative, however, supports scientists in eastern Africa to link biologically based research ideas, inventions, and technologies to business and the market. The target beneficiaries are scientists working in universities, research institutes, and private sector companies as well as smallholder farmers and communities in Burundi, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
The concept notes should address any of the following BioInnovate Africa thematic areas:
- Value addition to agro-produce and other biological resources
- Biological waste conversion
- Biologically based healthcare products
Duration: 3 years
The BioInnovate Africa Regional Innovation Collaboration Projects offers per project a grant amount of up to one (1) million US$(dollars) for a period of three (3) years.
This Call for concept notes is intended for scientists from universities, research institutes, and government agencies to work jointly with their counterparts in the private sector to co-develop value-added products (goods and services) from biological resources.
Application Process
Interested Applicants must submit the following for application:
- Two-page CV of each project team member.
- A fully completed concept note of a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine pages including references.
- Proof of legal status of the organization, e.g., a certificate of registration or incorporation, statute, gazette, etc. for each project partner.
- A signed letter of support from the head of the organization of each project partner.
To apply for the BioInnovate Africa Regional Innovation Collaboration Projects, click here.
Deadline: July 19, 2022.
For more information, visit the official site.