Call for Applications: Post-Doctoral Agricultural Researcher in Teagasc

Teagasc Agriculture and Food Authority call for applications from qualified candidates for Post-Doctoral Agricultural Researchers (fully funded).

The Teagasc post-doctoral programme provides training and development opportunities for early-career scientists that enhance their experience of learning and equip them with the necessary skills for the next stage of their chosen career in research. 

This is a research-focused training role, the primary purpose of which is to provide early-career scientists with the opportunity to develop their research skills and competencies.

The PD Fellow will, while working in conjunction with senior research staff, gain insight and experience into a variety of areas including the processes of project and budgetary management, publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals, writing grant applications, and attracting external funding; the development of active collaboration with relevant national and international research communities; the development of communication and presentation skills, leadership and management skills, and overall career development.


The Post-Doctoral Agricultural Researcher tasks include:

  • Keeping up to date with current literature and scientific developments in the area of sensor technologies appropriate to dairy, beef or sheep farming systems. 
  • Design, organisation and conducting of project experimentation with other members of the project team.
  • Work with research scientists in implementing precision technologies into grass based dairy farms.
  • Oversee the data flows from the sensors deployed and database set up, data management and data checking and analysis
  • Develop metrics from the data flows e.g. for grass management, dairy cow milk production and nutrition, soil moisture, etc. to use in farm management and organization.
  • Regular communication and work with the focal farming group, and dissemination of research findings to a variety of audiences as appropriate, including the wider farming group and other industry stakeholders.
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Additional Duties and Responsibilities include

  • Interpreting research findings and prepare scientific and popular press publications.
  • Disseminate research findings to a variety of audiences as appropriate.
  • Assisting Teagasc in meeting the commitments of the Quality Customer Service Charter and Action Plan.
  • Comply with all relevant Teagasc policies and procedures.

Location: Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co Cork, P61 C997.

Duration: 19 months


The Post-Doctoral Agricultural Researcher position offers a maximum of  €41,940 and a minimum of  €37,903.

Job Requirements

  • PhD in Agriculture or related discipline
  • Relevant research experience not to exceed 3 years’ post-PhD
  • Expertise in sensor use 
  • Data handling and data analysis and computer skills
  • Evidence of research activity (publications, conference presentations, awards)
  • Good knowledge of Irish dairy and sheep farming principles and practicalities
  • Good knowledge of grassland management systems in a seasonal pasture based context such as Ireland
  • Excellent project management and report writing skills
  • An ability to collaborate with team members and PhD students to help build research knowledge and skills
  • Good communication skills (oral, written, presentation) with an ability to interact and impart knowledge to a variety of audiences as appropriate, including the wider farming group and other industry stakeholders

Application Deadline: April 05, 2022

For more information and applications, visit the official site.

3 thoughts on “Call for Applications: Post-Doctoral Agricultural Researcher in Teagasc

  1. Dear Sir,
    I am a food technologist, am I eligible for this post doc position.

    1. Hi Asma,
      One of the requirements is a PhD in Agriculture or related discipline (which I think Food technology is related). Kindly check the job requirements to confirm your eligibility.

  2. I am intersted In food science and engineering post . i have done phD In processing and storage of agriculture products In food science and engineering.

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