Associate Professor of Transdisciplinary Global Health

The Athena Institute of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam invites applications for an appointment as an associate professor in transdisciplinary global health.

The recent pandemic, mental health crises, climate change, malnutrition, maternal mortality, NCDs, and increasing inequities make it evident that our health systems are unsustainable. Conventional ways of innovating prioritize expert knowledge and are thus not well-geared to adequately respond to the complex health challenges we face today. Research that aims to contribute to such challenges should not only be interdisciplinary but also be conducted in close collaboration with a wide range of stakeholder groups, i.e., research should be transdisciplinary.

The Athena Institute’s research in the field of global health aims to contribute to good health and wellbeing for all (STD3) and focuses on a diversity of themes, ranging from universal health coverage to patient/client-oriented healthcare and from gender-sensitive care in violent settings to health resilience in times of climate change.


  • A gross monthly salary of €6,002 – €7,305 depending on education and experience.
  • a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment,
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus,
  • solid pension scheme (ABP),
  • contribution to commuting expenses,
  • optional model for designing a personalized benefits package.

Job Requirements

Interested candidates

  • Have a PhD degree, preferably in the field of global health, public health, medical anthropology, development studies, science, technology & medicine, or other related discipline(s).
  • Distinct proven contribution to conceptual and methodological innovation, in transdisciplinary and participatory, multi-stakeholder co-innovation approaches in global health.
  • Proven experience in cross-cutting and multi-level approaches of global health.
  • Proven experience with experimental methods for the transdisciplinary study of challenges in the field of global health.
  • Experience with designing and facilitating multistakeholder group discussions and reflection sessions as part of change processes (e.g., reflexive monitoring in action, reflexive evaluations)
  • Proven ability to be a strong collaborator within interdisciplinary teams (capable of listening, flexible, adaptive, pro-active).
  • Excellent teaching skills and the ability to inspire students (demonstrated through a.o. positive student evaluations).
  • A broad (inter)national network relevant to the position.
  • Excellent command of English is imperative; basic knowledge of Dutch is a plus.
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Application Process

Applications in one pdf should include:

  • curriculum vitae, and
  • a cover letter.

To apply for the Associate Professor of Transdisciplinary Global Healthclick here.

Deadline: January 10, 2024.

For more information on Associate Professor of Transdisciplinary Global Health, visit the official site.

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