Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Technology

The University of Twente (UT) invites scholars with excellent research and teaching records to apply for the position of Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Technology in the department of Technology, Human and Institutional Behaviour (HIB).

Technology plays an increasingly important role in mental health care. The use of eHealth, mHealth, mobile sensing, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence holds important promises to bring mental health care closer to the everyday life of clients, but it remains a challenge to integrate them into clinical practice. This also brings methodological challenges to go beyond randomized controlled trials towards designs that combine qualitative methods that enable to study of the lived experiences of psychologists and their clients with quantitative methods that often include new types of data, for example in biosensing, ecological momentary assessment, digital patient files, and email guidance.

This challenge requires close collaboration between research, teaching, and clinical practice. First, there are a need for developing theories and (design) methodologies to connect clinical psychology, technology, and human goals and values related to well-being, empathy, and compassion. Second, this concerns the development, evaluation, and implementation of technologies to support psychologists and clients in therapeutic processes. Third, this asks questions about how to educate psychologists of the future, who are willing and able to innovative integrative technologies in their everyday practice and contribute to innovation processes in psychotherapeutic treatments and the organization of therapy.


  • depending on experience and qualifications, the gross monthly salary on a full-time basis range between € 5.506, – to € 7.362
  • a minimum of 29 leave days in case of full-time employment based on a formal workweek of 38 hours
  • possibilities to save up holidays for sabbatical leave
  • The University of Twente is a family-friendly institution that offers parental leave (both paid and unpaid) and career support for partners
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Job Requirements

  • has a strong record of publications and grants and is eager to develop into an inspiring and excellent leader who can guide a team to perform at the forefront of the field of clinical psychology and technology
  • has broad methodological expertise in mixed methods that combine qualitative and quantitative data
  • is passionate about teaching at all levels and possesses a University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) certificate, or equivalent international qualifications
  • has demonstrated the capacity to (co-)supervise PhD researchers
  • has strong collaborative and communicative capabilities in an environment that connects academic research and teaching with clinical practice
  • excellent command of English, at least at the C2 level

Application Process

Interested applicants are to include the following documents in their application:

  • a motivation letter,
  • CV including a list of publications,
  • research, and teaching statement along with the contact information of two references.

To apply for Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Technology, click here.

Deadline: January 09, 2023.

For more information, visit the official site

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