Assistant Professors in Earth Sciences, Utrecht University (Full-Time)

The Department of Earth Sciences at Utrecht University is seeking outstanding candidates to fill three tenure track positions in Earth Sciences at the Assistant Professor level.

The department’s mission is to advance Their understanding and prediction capability of processes that govern the evolution of System Earth from the molecular to the planetary and from the microsecond to the geological time scale. Their ambition is to be a world-leading centre of excellence in scientific research as well as research training and teaching and to contribute in a meaningful way to the challenges of a modern, sustainable society by acquiring new and fundamental geoscientific knowledge and by directly addressing societal challenges related to the field of earth sciences.

Within the context of this mission and ambition, Utrecht University is seeking for enthusiastic Scientists and Educators who can develop their own internationally recognised research line in any field within the Earth Sciences. They are especially interested in research complementary (field and/or techniques) to the research already conducted in our department with the exclusion of themes covered in their sister department of Physical Geography and the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht.
  • The successful candidate will contribute to the development of new research lines in collaboration with Prof. Tine Béneker (Chair Geography & Education).
  • He/she will teach in several educational programmes ranging from the Bachelor in Human Geography & Spatial Planning to the Master level.
  • It is expected of the candidate to contribute to the master programme Geography, Education, and Communication from the Graduate School of Teaching. The input in courses will depend on his/her expertise and fields of interest.
  • Furthermore, He/she will supervise students working on their Bachelor and Master theses.
  • An additional task is to contribute to the acquisition and execution of externally funded projects.
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  • The gross salary – depending on qualifications and experience – ranges between €3,746 and €5,127 per month for full-time employment.
  • Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus and an end-of-year bonus per year.
  • An excellent pension scheme,
  • Partly paid parental leave, and
  • Flexible employment conditions
Job Requirements

Candidates should meet the following requirements:

  • have a PhD degree in the natural sciences;
  • have a clear vision for education and a strong affinity with teaching;
  • show an outstanding record of academic research, reflected in high-quality publications;
  • have the ability to obtain competitive research grants;
  • strong communication, networking and organisational skills;
  • have an eye for public outreach and are willing to contribute to media appearances and popular scientific articles.
Application Process

Interested applicants should send the following documents through the link below.

  • curriculum vitae,
  • a letter of motivation
  • a brief vision on/plans regarding their research and teaching for the next 5 years (maximum 3 A4);
  • their teaching experience and a list of publications;
  • (e-mail) addresses of two referees.

To apply, click here

Application Deadline: March 15, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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