Assistant Professors in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

The Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University is currently looking for new colleagues to expand and complement its diverse and vibrant research groups (Assistant Professors in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science).

As an Assistant Professor in the division, candidate will actively engage in research, teaching, and supervision in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. He or she will develop, coordinate, and teach courses in our BSc and/or MSc programmes, as well as supervise BSc/MSc students and PhD candidates. To develop new research collaborations and application areas, he/she will actively seek internal and external collaborations and acquire funding for research. They are also encouraged to publish in renowned scientific journals, and newspapers, and appear in other media (e.g., radio).


To strengthen their team they are looking for colleagues who fit well with one of the research areas described below: 

  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Deep reinforcement learning
  • Text Mining and/or Information Retrieval Natural Language Processing
  • Explainable AI
  • Transfer learning


The position Artificial Intelligence and Data Science offer:

  • a gross salary – depending on previous qualifications and experience – ranging between €3,974 and €6,181 per month;
  • 8% holiday bonus and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
  • special perks including a PhD candidate position funded by the Department in order to further build up their research knowledge;
  • attractive retirement scheme;
  • partly paid parental leave;
  • sport and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model);
  • support for traveling to conferences; and
  • various educational and development programmes offered by the University.

Job Requirements

Applicants are to meet the following qualifications:

  • a PhD degree in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, or a related field;
  • a vision on future research directions in your own area of expertise;
  • experience with, or good prospects for, acquiring external research funds;
  • publications in international conferences and journals;
  • experience with, or readiness to supervise PhD projects;
  • experience with and enthusiasm for developing, coordinating, and teaching courses in our BSc and/or MSc programmes, and student supervision in the field of AI and Data Science;
  • proficiency in English, both written and spoken.
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Application Process

Interested applicants should submit:

  • a cover letter
  • a full academic curriculum vitae, including a list of publications;
  • a research vision (max two pages) and a teaching vision (max two pages);
  • list of 3 referees (name, position, institute and contact details).
  • a copy of PhD certificate.

To apply for the Assistant Professors in Artificial Intelligence and Data Scienceclick here.

Deadline: September 11, 2023.

For more information on the Assistant Professors in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, visit the official site.

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