Assistant Professor: Treating Micropollutants in Solid Phases (Tenure Track)

The Department of Environmental Technology is searching for a new tenure tracker to help them enhance and grow their research into micropollutants treatment systems (contaminants of emerging concern; CECs).

Specifically, the position focuses on technologies to remove micropollutants from solid phases that rely on a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes. This entails research on sorption, oxidation, biodegradation, biofilm formation, and a combination of these processes.

Whereas the group currently focuses almost exclusively on hydrophilic micropollutants, the new tenure tracker should help to expand the group’s research to include less hydrophilic compounds. Such hydrophobic compounds are found in organic solid phases, focusing on the fate and removal of micropollutants more likely to remain in solid phases in treatment systems, such as soils, sludges, and other organic wastes. This position meets societal and research demands on the removal of hydrophobic and other strongly sorbing micropollutants from organic waste streams that must be treated and reused to achieve a circular economy.


In his position as a Post-doc, the candidate will:

  • acquire, lead and implement innovative and creative(inter-) national research projects in Environmental Technology;
  • collaborate with colleagues and supervise PhD students, BSc and MSc theses and develop and teach courses;
  • contribute to the further development of Environmental Technology.


Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment such as;

  • a competitive gross salary of between € 3821,-. and € 5230,-.
  • sabbatical leave, study leave, and partially paid parental leave;
  • a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;
  • working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;
  • excellent pension scheme.
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Job Requirements

As an Assistant Professor: Treating Micropollutants in Solid Phases, the applicant should be a driven and enthusiastic scientist who enjoys working as part of a team and is passionate about environmental technology research and education. He also has the following:

  • a successfully completed academic study (MSc level; recognised in The Netherlands) in a field related to Environmental Sciences or Environmental Engineering;
  • a PhD in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering, Biobased Sciences or similar;
  • knowledge and expertise in micropollutant treatment technologies;
  • affinity with translating fundamental research into technological innovation;
  • ample experience with management of complex projects;
  • acquisition of research funding;
  • excellent communication skills;
  • didactic qualities and enthusiasm for teaching and working with students;

Furthermore, he/she is an ambitious and enthusiastic scientist and a team player.

Application Process

  • a curriculum vitae including a publication list and the contact details of three references.
  • a cover letter briefly describing their qualifications and motivation for this position.
  • Academic transcripts

To apply for the Assistant Professor position: Treating Micropollutants in Solid Phases, click here.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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