Assistant Professor on Bio-inspired Autonomous Drones

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology has an opening for Assistant Professor on Bio-inspired Autonomous Drones.

Drones are flying robots that have an increasing impact on our society. Currently, most drones have a limited form of autonomy, taking care of stabilization and following GPS waypoints. There is an increasing number of drones on the market that are also able to avoid obstacles and follow a person to make the best possible selfie or action video. However, the autonomous flight capabilities of drones are still insufficient for many envisaged applications, such as package delivery and search-and-rescue.

The demands on autonomy and hence artificial intelligence of drones will increase, while it is enormously important not to add too much weight and processing, as the energy of drones is a very limiting factor for their flight duration and usefulness.

The proposed position focuses on bio-inspired, autonomous drones. Relevant topics include AI at the Edge, deep neural networks, neuromorphic sensing and processing, bio-inspired algorithms, swarming, reinforcement learning, computer vision, or any other topics that are relevant to bio-inspired, autonomous drones. Since intelligence is not only a matter of the mind but also of the body, also topics such as bio-inspired drone design are appreciated, as long as the candidate also has a strong affinity with artificial intelligence or control. The position will involve aiding in current bio-inspired AI-related courses at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and contributing to additional ones.


The position will offer:

  • Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount on health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution.
  • Flexible work schedules can be arranged and you can work partly from home.
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Job Requirements

The ideal candidates should:

  • Develop courses and conduct teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels
  • Perform top-quality research in the area of bio-inspired, autonomous drones
  • Establish and execute an externally funded research program
  • Interact and collaborate with other researchers and specialists in academia and/or industry
  • Be an inspiring member of our staff and have excellent communication skills
  • A PhD degree in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Control Systems Theory, Robotics, Aerospace Engineering, or a related discipline and preferably a few years of post-doctoral experience
  • Excellent track record in scientific research, as evidenced by publications in academic journals
  • Experience in the acquisition of external funding and an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Ability to work with others in a team
  • Proven ability to provide inspiring teaching in English

Application Process

Applicants are to submit the following documents

  • Curriculum vitae and
  • A Motivation letter

To apply for the Assistant Professor on Bio-inspired Autonomous Dronesclick here.

Deadline: June 14, 2023.

For more information on Assistant Professor on Bio-inspired Autonomous Drones, visit the official site.

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