Assistant Professor in Software Engineering

The Software Engineering and Technology cluster (SET) of the Computer Science Division of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is looking for an enthusiastic colleague in Software Engineering.

The Software Engineering and Technology cluster (SET) conducts pluriform research in software engineering in such areas as digital twins, human aspects of software engineering, parallel software development, software architecture, and software evolution. Our research is typically presented in leading software engineering conferences (ICSE, FSE, ASE, ICSME, MODELS, MSR, SANER, TACAS) and journals (TOSEM, TSE, EMSE, SoSyM, JSS).

The department is looking for great candidates with a passion for software engineering research and education. They see great potential for candidates to collaborate within their group and to expand its expertise, in such areas as:

  • AI & software engineering,
  • Analysis of code bases,
  • Knowledge representation in software engineering,
  • Low code/no code,
  • Software engineering for autonomous systems,
  • Software testing and verification.


  • They offer a broad spectrum of bachelor and master courses addressing various aspects of software engineering, ranging from basic programming to the design of modern large-scale software systems, and from human-computer interaction to establishing the correctness of software.
  • They play a crucial role in both bachelor and master programs on Computer Science and Engineering and support bachelor programs in Data Science, Mathematics, and Physics.
  • Collaborate with national and international colleagues, from academia and industry, within computer science and outside it (e.g., electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, organizational psychology, and philosophy).


  • Salary following the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (min. €4332, max. €5929).
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
  • A dedicated mentoring program to help you get to know the university and the Dutch (research) environment.
  • High-quality training programs for academic leadership and teaching.
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children’s day care and sports facilities.
  • Partially paid parental leave and an allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
  • A Staff Immigration Team is available for international candidates, as are a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) and partner career support.
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Job Requirements

The position of professor in Software Engineering has the following requirements:

  • Motivated researcher, with a PhD in in Software Engineering, Computer Science, or related discipline(s).
  • Ability to conduct high-quality academic research, reflected in demonstrable outputs.
  • Ability to teach, demonstrated by experience or assistance in teaching.
  • Strong cooperation skills and ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
  • Effective communication and leadership skills, including coaching and mentoring of students and staff, leading a project or chairing a group.
  • Excellent (written and verbal) proficiency in English.

Application Process

Applications should include:

  • Cover letter in which they describe their motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of their publications and the contact information of three references.
  • Description of their scientific interests and plans (1-2 pages).
  • Statement of their teaching goals and experience (1-2 pages).

To apply for the Assistant Professor in Software Engineeringclick here.

Deadline: August 31, 2024.

For more information on Assistant Professor in Software Engineering, visit the official site.

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