Assistant Professor in Geography, Youth & Education, Netherlands (Full-Time)

The Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University calls for applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Geography, Youth & Education.

The ambition of Utrecht with this Assistant Professorship (tenure track) is to further develop their teaching and research activities concerning young people’s geographies, capabilities, and potential. They link this to the context of growing up in this day and age, in an urbanized society in the Anthropocene, and to the role of (geography, place-based, sustainability, futures) education to strengthen young people’s capabilities. This includes research on how young people know, experience, and values their current living environment and how (informal) geography education can enhance futures and sustainable thinking.

Utrecht University is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity in research, teaching, and management. The university invites and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in employment and hence may contribute to the further diversification of the Institution.
  • The successful candidate will contribute to the development of new research lines in collaboration with Prof. Tine Béneker (Chair Geography & Education).
  • He/she will teach in several educational programs ranging from the Bachelor in Human Geography & Spatial Planning to the Master level.
  • It is expected of the candidate to contribute to the master program Geography, Education, and Communication from the Graduate School of Teaching. The input in courses will depend on his/her expertise and fields of interest.
  • Furthermore, He/she will supervise students working on their Bachelor’s and Master’s theses.
  • An additional task is to contribute to the acquisition and execution of externally funded projects.
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  • The gross salary – depending on qualifications and experience – ranges between €3,746 and €5,127 per month for full-time employment.
  • Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus and an end-of-year bonus per year.
  • Also, candidates will have access to coaching for teaching and supervision of Researchers, and training and support regarding the acquisition of external funds.
Job Requirements

Candidates should meet the following requirements:

  • a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in human geography or a closely related discipline;
  • an affinity with and interest in Geography, (secondary geography) Education, Young People and Sustainability Issues;
  • teaching experience and be willing to acquire the Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) of Utrecht University, if not obtained a similar qualification yet;
  • proven expertise in research, published in international scientific journals and contributed to academic conferences;
  • good communication and team playing skills;
  • connections to relevant academic partners as well as to stakeholders in society.
Application Process

Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae, including a letter of motivation through the apply button below.

To apply, click here

Application Deadline: January 31, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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