Assistant/Associate Professor in Sustainability science with Social Science Profile

The faculty, School of Business and Economics (SBE) of Maastricht University (UM) calls for applications for Assistant/Associate Professor in Sustainability science with Social Science Profile.

The Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI) seeks to appoint a sustainability scientist with a strong social science profile to expand its existing team of scholars. Within the interdisciplinary field of sustainability science, MSI contributes to the understanding of societal transitions toward sustainability, combining a strong methodological focus with domain-specific knowledge in areas such as energy provision, climate change, and health, urban sustainability, and circular economy.

They are looking for a person who is working on a research agenda that adopts a constructively critical perspective, has an inclusive stance on methodological rigor, and engages actively with current debates in sustainability science and society. As teaching will be part of his/her portfolio of activities, the institute seeks a person who shares their enthusiasm for using problem-based learning (PBL) to shape the next generation of leaders in business as well as in other sectors of society.


  • A starting salary in the range of € 3.974 – € 6.181 gross per month depending on qualifications and experience.
  • Each year the standard salary is supplemented with a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.
  • Other attractive packages of fringe benefits include;
  • pension plan,
  • reduction on collective health insurance,
  • substantial leave arrangements,
  • optional model for designing a personalized benefits package and
  • application for attractive fiscal arrangements for employees from abroad.

Job Requirements

Applicants should have the following qualifications:

  • deep knowledge of social science theorizing related to sustainability transitions;
  • a track record of high-quality publications in the field of sustainability science, or constituting fields such as innovation studies, political economy, business studies, governance, and public administration, and environmental sociology;
  • experience with PBL is an advantage;
  • a Universal Teaching Qualification (UTQ/BKO) or equivalent;
  • proven experience with funding acquisition;
  • ability to work with a variety of methodological perspectives;
  • a focus on impact delivery through transdisciplinary approaches;
  • a compelling research agenda that is complementary to MSI and SBE
  • hold a PhD in sustainability science or relevant other disciplines
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Application Process

Interested applicants are to send their applications to the link below.

To apply, click here

Application Deadline: August 15, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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