Assistant/Associate Professor in Atmospheric Variability and the Carbon Cycle

The Faculty of Science at the University of Amsterdam calls for applications for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor in Atmospheric Variability and the Carbon Cycle.

 The department seeks an earth- or atmospheric scientist who studies contemporary climate change from an atmospheric perspective and studies the changing occurrence of climate extremes like floods, droughts, or heatwaves and their impact on terrestrial processes such as carbon assimilation or wildfires via Earth system models (ideally EC-Earth), data assimilation techniques, or big data analyses.

The ideal candidate combines theoretical expertise with various atmospheric measurement datasets (for example, from new satellite missions for monitoring atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric composition, and land surface properties) and assesses impacts and risks for society and/or ecosystems. The candidate is expected to connect on-going research lines between the department of Water and Climate Risk (part of the Institute for Environmental Studies, IVM) and the department of Earth Sciences.


Assistant/Associate Professor in Atmospheric Variability and the Carbon Cycle will:

  • conduct research on the impact of the changing atmospheric composition and dynamics on land surface processes and extremes.
  • teach courses in atmospheric processes and dynamics and big data use at the BSc. and MSc levels.
  • supervision of Masters and Bachelors theses
  • work together with the department’s staff of both Earth Sciences and Water and Climate Risk in the acquisition of external funds
  • (co-) publish scientific papers


  • The remuneration amounts to a minimum gross monthly salary of €4.332 and a maximum of €5.929, depending on education and experience.
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  • solid pension scheme (ABP)
  • contribution to commuting expenses
  • optional model for designing a personalised benefits package
  • certain tax benefits (30% ruling) might apply to international candidates
  • help and assistance with relocation (international candidates)
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Job Requirements

Applicants for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor in Atmospheric Variability and the Carbon Cycle should meet the following criteria:

  • PhD in Earth / Environmental Sciences with demonstrable expertise in atmospheric research and a strong publication record
  • experience in academic teaching (or willingness to acquire it) 
  • strong willingness to work in an interdisciplinary environment and connect research between different departments
  • excellent communication skills
  • Dutch proficiency, or willingness to learn Dutch, is a requirement

Application Process

Applications in one should include:

  • a motivational letter;
  • a complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae;
  • reference letters.

To apply for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor in Atmospheric Variability and the Carbon Cycleclick here.

Deadline: March 31, 2024.

For more information on Assistant/Associate Professor in Atmospheric Variability and the Carbon Cycle, visit the official site.

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