Assistant/Associate Professor: Artificial Intelligence in Medical Image Analysis

The Department of Biomedical Engineering is looking for a new faculty member to work on the topic of artificial intelligence in medical image analysis. The position is ideally at the tenured level (assistant or associate professor), but it is also open for a tenure track position (with adjusted requirements).

The Medical Image Analysis Group aims to create solutions that help support diagnosis, prognosis, and image-guided treatment in clinical care. The group’s research includes applied as well as methodological innovations to advance the analysis of medical images. The research has a strong focus on machine and deep learning. The group is internationally competitive in the field of medical imaging.

The current faculty of the group cover a range of research areas, including image analysis and quantification for cardiology, neurology, and oncology. More specifically, the group is known for its work in the field of computational pathology. Another strong line is on MR image analysis and RF safety through collaborations with Philips and with the University Medical Center Utrecht. A third key focus is on AI-based image guidance of therapies (radiotherapy with the novel MR-linac system, robot-assisted surgery)

The position offers free access to high-quality training programs for academic leadership, the university teaching qualification program, research and valorization competencies, and a dedicated mentoring program to help you get to know the university and the Dutch (research) environment.

Duration: 5 years.


Salary and a broad package of fringe benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.

Job Requirements

Qualified candidates are to meet the following requirements

  • A PhD degree in a relevant field.
  • Research experience and strong output in (medical) image analysis.
  • Proven ability to acquire (inter)national funding.
  • Good academic, clinical and/or industrial network; proven by joint collaborations, projects, and publications.
  • Excellent communication, organization, and leadership skills demonstrating the potential of building your own research team.
  • International recognition by peers, as demonstrated e.g. by invitations, awards, committee memberships.
  • Experience in supervision of (PhD) students.
  • Ability to teach, shown by UTQ, experience in teaching and positive evaluations of these teaching efforts.
  • Excellent proficiency (written and oral) in English.  
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Application Process

The application should include the following attachments:

  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of your publications (or link to).
  • Concise cover letter describing applicants motivation, research interests and qualifications for the position.
  • The contact information of three references.

To apply,  click here.

Application Deadline: October 11, 2021

For more information, visit the official site.

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