AIAS Visiting Fellowships for Researchers on Sabbaticals

Researchers on sabbaticals seeking opportunities to engage in international research are welcome to apply for the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) visiting Fellowships.

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies at Aarhus University offers several visiting fellowships to outstanding researchers from abroad looking for an opportunity to engage in the international and interdisciplinary research community of AIAS and to collaborate with the research environments at Aarhus University (AU).

Visiting fellows will have their daily office space at AIAS, and will have the opportunity to participate in the activities at AIAS and the relevant research environments at AU. AIAS offers optimal office facilities and a thriving international and interdisciplinary community with joint social and academic activities.

Duration: 2-6 months


Fellows are offered:

  • Office space and access to the lecture hall and meeting room facilities at AIAS
  • Integration into an inspiring interdisciplinary and international research community
  • Access to all social and academic activities at AIAS
  • Travel costs (one return ticket) are covered with up to a maximum of 2,000 euro; overseas tickets are up to 3,000 euro
  • Assistance with relocation practicalities.


  • Applicants must have a PhD and at least two years of postdoctoral research experience by the application deadline.
  • Applicants should have active collaborations with Aarhus University and have established contact with a researcher or research community at Aarhus University.
  • An open-minded approach and a curiosity for academic disciplines other than your own are great advantages.

Application Process

The application must include:

  • Letter of motivation (max 2 pages)
  • Letter of support from an Aarhus University Contact
  • CV of applicant (including a selected list of publications, max 5 pages)
  • PhD diploma
  • Exact dates of preferred start and end dates of your fellowship
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To apply for the AIAS Visiting Fellowships for Researchers on Sabbaticals, click here.

Deadline: May 1, 2025.

For more information about AIAS Visiting Fellowships for Researchers on Sabbaticals, visit the official site.

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